Life has been nuts this past month!!!! Thomas graduated from preschool and summer began.

I am now trying to balance being a mom and working from home - not really working out that well, but I'm figuring it out. My mother has been pretty sick the past 2 weeks, but she is doing much better now!
Thomas has been bitten twice by fire ants which is a BIG deal for a child who is highly allergic to fire ants! We've done more testing with the allergist, and he finally started his allergy shots last week - only to get another ant bite that night!!
I have started my busy season with weddings, and, of course, I'm LOVING it! I had two weddings this weekend and then got a sinus infection. I didn't get to sing in church this morning which was really depressing for me, but I enjoyed lounging a little this morning!
We did finish the weekend off very nicely by enjoying the amenities of
our neighborhood. We lounged at the pool for a little while with the neighbors and then we headed to the park and checked out some canoes. We canoed for about an hour through the neighborhood - under bridges and everything. It was SO nice. I kept telling Ray C., "This is so relaxing, and we're not even on vacation!" We seriously live in the coolest neighborhood.
I will try to be a better blogger this month! Sorry if you have been bored! I can assure you that my house has been anything but boring. I just haven't been able to blog it all! I will say that there has been a lot of discussion about the EpiPen in our house!!!
Have a fun week! Hopefully I'll be back at it soon - with pictures!