Sunday, May 24, 2015

Color Me Rad 5K

I'm back !!!  I just started worrying about not documenting all of these fun things we are doing and how much the kids are growing!  So here goes...

All five of us (and Jessica) ran the Color Me Rad 5K a few weeks ago at Sam Houston Race Park!  It was so much fun!! We all finished, but Chase finished 2nd in the whole race!  Of course, Ray C. jokingly told him that just meant he was the first loser which Chase almost prefers because, at least, it means he's first at it! :) 
 We started out all clean and wearing white.  At the end, we were afraid to get in the car because we were so messy, but we can't wait for the next one!

 The picture of Mary Frances and me is my favorite of the day!  How can she look so old?  Time is flying, but I am loving my babies and this next stage of life!
 Thomas is getting ready to run cross country in 7th grade next year.  We are all ready for this new adventure!
 I wish there was a picture of me at this spot to show the difference in personalities!  I had my arms up and was twirling around to be sure it was evenly distributed! :)
 I love this man!  He is a fun guy and does a great job of encouraging our family to be active!
That's Thomas...summed up in one pictures!  Bring it on!