Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Baby...

Three years ago today, my baby was born! I cannot believe he is three!! We decided to take him horse-back riding for his birthday since he is obsessed with cowboys, horses, and roping calves!
He (and the other two) had a blast. They did some "training" in the arena and then went out for a little ride in the pasture! This picture shows Thomas on "Doc", Mary Frances on "Nifty", and Chase on "Rio", a horse from Texas!

They rode for about 45 minutes. They were so cute and so little that the stirrups wouldn't adjust to fit them! Chase and Mary Frances even got to gallop a little.
It was so much fun to see him so excited and having so much fun!
What a special birthday! We finished up with swimming with friends and then cake and homemade ice cream at Honey and Grandaddy's - and, of course, gifts!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So, this is what I got for FREE today! Actually, they paid me $1.20 for taking it off the shelves after giving me coupons for my next purchase because I "bought" these particular products! Can you believe that? This is $27 worth of products!

The rest of this is $35.80 worth of products that I only paid $21.60 for AND got $11 off my next overall purchase!!

So, here's my total for today:

Retail: $65.57
Total I Paid: $22.05
Plus I got $12 in coupons off my next CVS purchase!!! I love this!!
Total savings: $43.52 - about 66% !!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Are you going to jail?

As I was approaching a light today, it turned yellow.  I had plenty of time to stop, but I decided to continue through.  Unfortunately, it did not go unnoticed.  Here is what we heard from the backseat:

Chase: "Mommy, you run a red light."
Me: "Yes, I did.  I'm sorry."
Thomas: "You ran a red light?  Did you turn right?"
Me: "No, Thomas.  I turned left.  I'm sorry."
Mary Frances: "Are you going to jail?"
Me: "I hope not."

I guess I'd better be more careful, huh!?!  At least the conversation is proof that I explain things well, right!?!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Date Night

Thomas and I had a date tonight!  It was so difficult to leave the house because Mary Frances was devastated that I wasn't taking her.  We date often, and Mary Frances went with me last time.  So, it was Thomas' turn.  Besides, I'm really wanting to spend some time with him before Kindergarten starts.

Anyway...we went to see the Bee Movie up at our park for Movie in the Park.  Our neighborhood has been doing the movie in the park once a month this summer.  It was so much fun.  Everyone took their own lawn chairs and blankets.  There was a free snow cone machine, and the neighborhood swim team sold food as a fund raiser.  It was so much fun, and a beautiful night to do it.  Thomas laid on the blanket with me for a while, and I really enjoyed snuggling with my sweet boy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Where is the black shirt?

I have lost 2 black shirts that belong to Mary Frances.  After a very frustrating search, I asked Mary Frances, "If you were a black shirt, where would you be?"  

She said, "Um, at Honey and Grandaddy's house!"

Too bad I can't look there.  The search continues...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Right Foot Shoes...

So I was looking for a refrigerator on Craig's list tonight and came upon this post.  It's for real:

Free Right Foot Shoes

"I no longer wear prosthesis.  Have a dozen right foot shoes size 6 1/2 to 7.  Most flats.  Barely worn!" 

I can't stop laughing!  I would love to know if anyone is actually looking on Craig's list for right foot shoes only!  What are the chances?  

(Just to be clear...I am not making fun of the person posting - only the way the post sounds! You have to admit it is funny!!)

Pigs in the Blanket

I had some great help cooking dinner tonight!  Mary Frances made her favorite dish - fruit salad!  She cuts up the bananas and apples and dumps in the grapes and strawberries, etc.  

Chase set the table - plates, spoons, forks, and napkins!  He did such a good job!
And Thomas' job was helping with the pigs in the blanket, but Chase helped too!  It was actually fun!  Cooking with the kids is usually very stressful, but tonight I enjoyed the entire process!  What fun! 

Another Chase-ism

Chase doesn't say "won't". He says "willn't".  Well, it does make more sense doesn't it?  I always wondered where won't came from anyway!

So, the other day he kept saying it, and Ray C. started to correct him.  I quickly stopped him and begged him not to correct him.  Why?  Because I love the baby words, and I really am in no rush for Chase to have perfect English! Can't I just have a few more weeks of the cute words? 

I willn't let him go to kindergarten with this word, but it is just too cute to correct today!

Monday, July 14, 2008

50% Savings!!!

Okay people, it's for real!  Here are the pictures from my first day of shopping with The Grocery Game list!  These are all things I will use in the next 3 months before they go back on sale! 
 So, I will not need to pay full price for them again!!  I am hooked!  I already loved saving money, but I had no idea you could save so much on groceries!  I got all the shampoo (3) and conditioner (3) and 2 Powerades for FREE!!!   I felt like I was stealing from the grocery store! Here are the numbers: 

Retail price I normally pay: $236.95
Actual amount I spent today: $114.86

I saved over 50%!!!!  I am so excited!!!  

If you don't try this, you are wasting your money!  

Again, the key is to combine the in-store deals with the coupons for maximum savings!

The Butler

The kids love this butler in our Kroger.  Every time we pass him, they stop to pose just like him.  So, the other day I had my camera with me and took a picture!  I love it!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Remote

I love that Chase calls the remote control for the Wii - the Wiimote!  He really thinks that's what it is!  

Friday, July 11, 2008

Holly and Keith's New Baby

My friend, Holly, had her third little boy last week.  Meet Kaden...  He is so cute, and his big brothers are in love with him.  I love watching them with him. 

Free Chicken

Mmmm... It was good!  We had fun dressing up as cows today, and each of the kids got a free meal!  Thank you chick-fil-a!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Free Chicken

Dress like a cow on Friday and get a free chicken nuggets meal.   I don't know if this is everywhere, but I know the Hughes family is going to be mooooving down the road all dressed up just to get some free food!  Shameless, I know, but hey, it's FREE!!  BTW, it's only the kids dressing up!

A True Princess

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

He Jumped..

After a year of anticipation and coaxing, Thomas finally jumped off the diving board today!  And, of course, once he did it, he wouldn't stop!  

I was so proud of him.  I have noticed that he has such a hard time convincing himself he CAN do something that he really wants to do.  He's been wanting to jump since last year and just couldn't muster up enough courage, but today he did.

Next, the water slide... We've been waiting on this one a while too!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Grocery Savings

Groceries are getting more expensive, and as my children grow, they are eating so much more! I've been talking to several of my friends as we are all trying to figure out how to save money!

So, I am trying something I heard about several years ago. I couldn't do it then because I lived in a little town that didn't have one of the grocery stores they check! Anyhow...

I have signed up to play The Grocery Game. You can sign up for a 1 month trial for $1. After that, it is $5 a month. The idea is that store sales are on about a 3 month cycle. So, each week, you save all of the coupon books you get in the Sunday paper and label then with the date. Then, you check the grocery game website each week for the new list. You subscribe to only the list(s) for the grocery store(s) that you use. They will tell you what items are on sale and when to "play" your coupon.

So, the point is that you don't use your coupon until the item is on sale. That way you maximize your savings, and, often, you get things FREE!!!! For example, if Coffeemate normally costs $3.00, it is on sale for $2, and you have a 50 cent coupon that Kroger doubles, then you get Coffeemate for $1!! OR, if macaroni and cheese is $1, but it's on sale for 75 cents and you have a 25 cent coupon that Kroger triples, you get Mac and Cheese FREE!!!

They promise great savings. I met someone in the store today that has been doing it for 6 months and said it is GREAT. She said you just need to have room to store things because the whole idea is that you stock up on the things that are at rock bottom prices so you have them when you need them rather than having to pay full price when you need them.

Anyway, that's enough explanation. Go check it out. I really think it is worth our time to try this out. And while we're talking about saving money...if you do sign up, put me down for referring me because I save money on the referral! Let me know if you try it! I'll keep you updated! It will take a few weeks for me to save up the coupons and then be able to use them!

You can also check out for more savings.

My Baby

I sure do love this baby! I can't believe he is almost THREE! It has recently occurred to me - hold on to your seats for this one - that Chase is the exact same age as Thomas was when I had Chase!! That means Thomas was this same age when I also had an 18 month old and a newborn!! How did I survive? It was only by the grace of God, seriously!

I have told my mother several times that I knew I would never understand how I was going to make it through, and it is true! Although life with three little kids is still difficult and busy, nothing can compare to having three children under the age of 3 and ALL in diapers! You should have seen me buying diapers on sale!! I was a mad woman!

Anyway, I'd just like to say - I made it! Here are a few things I've learned to appreciate:

1. Chocolate ALWAYS calms my nerves.
2. Bed time (for the kids) is ALWAYS good!
3. Sleeping kids are very innocent and make you feel somewhat guilty for disciplining harshly - but only until the moment they wake up!
4. Sleeping through the night is AWESOME!
5. Preschool is such a relief!
6. How did mothers before me live without SUV grocery carts?
7. Continuous spray sunscreen might be the best summer-time invention ever!
8. Floaties and swimming lessons...
9. Powder fresh diapers :)
10. The unconditional love I receive from my sweet babies every single day!! Thank you God for my blessings! May everyone who desires know they same love!

Thomas Rocks...

Thomas has been trying to finish "Slow Ride" on Guitar Hero for about a week! (For those of you who don't know this is a game on the Wii game system!) I have been so proud of him. He just keeps trying no matter how many times he gets booed off the stage!! He has done the tutorial several times, practiced, and then just gone for it!! He started out by finishing only about 20%, then 22%, then 44%, etc. Finally, today, he finished 98% and 99%, and all of us were cheering him on in the living room! We all screamed and yelled when he finally finished and the TV blasted "You Rock" on the screen!!! He is very proud of himself! Now he's on to a new song!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Pee Pee

Recently during bath time, Thomas yelled out, "Mommy, Chase said he pooped in the bath tub."  You have to understand that Thomas was taking a bath WITH Chase.  Thus the reason for being so disturbed.  

As I walked in the bathroom, I asked, "Chase, did you poopy in the bathtub?" 

His reply was a confused look and "No, I just pee pee in the bath tub!"  

I'm glad it was Thomas is the tub with him and not me!!

Princess Camp and Warrior Prince Academy

Thomas and Mary Frances attended Princess Camp and Warrior Prince Academy this week put on by Royal Purpose Ministries here in Houston!  The kids had a blast!  
Girls have never seen so much pink and frill in one place!  It was a little girls heaven!  The best part is that it was not about getting everything you want but about being a "True Princess" of the King of Kings!  I love the message the girls learned while appealing to their most girly dreams of being a real princess!
"I am a true princess, a daughter of the king.  I have a royal purpose cause Jesus is my everything.  I long for my Prince who sees the beauty within, and this I know - He loves me so.  My heart will wait for Him!"  
It will make you cry watching these little girls talk about God in such an intimate way!
We kept the boys as far from pink as possible.  They made swords and shields, and learned all about being a warrior for Christ.  They were drilled on the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit, and the shield of faith!  They learned a battle cry, and warrior chant, and a knight's code of honor - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind!"
Thomas had a lot of fun!  It was a great week!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Fairy Bride

Pictures from the Fairy Wings Wedding


"Mommy, Chase has something from the kitchen."  I just assumed Mary Frances meant he had taken one of the "tools" that I sometimes let him use.  However, a few minutes later, I walked in the room to see what Chase had as I was wandering what in the world was all over the floor! I looked up to see Chase running laps through all the downstairs rooms with a spice jar of Oregano turned upside down!  Sometimes, it doesn't matter how late you are - you just have to stop what you're doing and clean up a ridiculous mess.  


Another Tooth

I finally pulled Thomas' tooth last night.  The thing has been ready to be pulled out for a week! Seriously, it has been so wiggly!  So, we pulled it out, and he was so excited to get another dollar from the tooth fairy!  He's getting to be so big!  I still can't believe my baby is loosing his teeth!  I'll spare you the details on how long we've had this one.  Although,  I could easily pull out the info on it!!

Where Do Babies Come From?

Mary Frances is very interested in how the babies actually come out.  She doesn't really care how they got there!  A friend in our Life Group just had her baby on Monday.  So, we've talked about this more lately.  She has also been having some discussion with another friend in our Life Group who is a pediatrician.  She is very disturbed by the whole c-section idea!  

So, the other day she was riding her bike down the street while I was in our front yard and she stopped to talk to one of the neighbors who happens to be a friend of mine.  The neighbor said, "Is your name Mary Alice?"  She said, "No, I'm Mary Frances, and I came from my mommy's vagina!"  

(I'm really sorry to be so blunt, but I just couldn't keep this off the blog.  This is why I keep the blog, and this is why you read it, isn't it?)

Needless to say,  the neighbor, who luckily is a woman, was stunned and didn't even know what to say!  She came down and asked if we had recently had a discussion about babies.  Actually, I haven't really been talking to her about it recently.  

Anyway, later I told Mary Frances that is really wasn't appropriate to be talking about mommy's private parts to other people and that she should only discuss this with our female family members and the doctor!  She was fine with that.  I also explained to her that it was fine for her to know about it and it wasn't bad but that it just wasn't something we should discuss with other people!

Let's do remember that this is the child that once used Vagisil as a toothpaste! (See "New Toothpaste" April 22, 2007)

A Cheesy Excuse for Being Late...

I finally had dinner ready early enough tonight so that we didn't have to rush through it to get out of the house in time for Life Group.  We had spaghetti.  Maybe it wasn't the best choice for trying to be quick and easy since it is so messy.  

Anyway, as I was cleaning up and the kids were finishing, one of my brides called.  I talked to her for about 1 minute and came back in the kitchen to discover Chase sitting on top of the table pouring together water, chocolate milk, and parmesan cheese.  I was grossed out at the look of it, and getting on to him while cleaning it up.  I wasn't even looking at the kids as I was telling them we needed to get our shoes on so we could leave and be on time.  

As I looked up I realized that Chase had also topped everyone's heads and ice cream with Parmesan Cheese.  So, off to the bathroom we run for a bath and we were still on time!!  Three cheers for us!!


We were listening to a song from Princess Camp today about Royalty.  So, here is the discussion in the back of the van tonight:

Mary Frances: "No, Thomas, it isn't about boys.  It's princesses."
Thomas:  "Well, it says Royal "T"." (Sometimes we call Thomas "Big T" or Little "t".)
Mary Frances: "No, Thomas.  It isn't that kind of "t".  They're talking about the kind of tea you drink (i.e. Royal Tea).

So, we are laughing in the front seat trying to describe what royalty actually means!  These kids crack me up!

Do I Look Fuzzy?

Thomas has a little friend at camp that wears glasses.  During music yesterday, the little boy took off his glasses.  With a very surprised look, Thomas said, "Hey, why did you take those off?  Can you still see me?"  When his friend replied "Yes", Thomas said, "Well do I look fuzzy or something?"  His little friend said, "You do look kind of funny."  Thomas replied in defense, "Hey, I don't look funny." Poor kid, he just couldn't win!  It was hilarious to watch!  I was trying to keep from laughing while we were supposed to be quiet!!