Having a full time job on top of my most important full-time job (mommy) has been an adjustment for my family. We have done really well. I would even say that we've done better than I expected! Ray C. has been amazing. I have really felt like we are working as a team since I started work, and that has been really fun!
But today, I did not like being a working mommy! This week, Chase has been staying home with my mom because he has a severe case of infantigo which is highly contagious.
(I would have been staying home with him before!)
Today, Ray C. took him to school even though we'd decided not to send him since his face still looked so bad. I got a text during third period about that.
Then, during my planning period, I got a text from my mom saying that Thomas was not feeling well this morning and she was concerned about him and thought she should go pick him up.
(If I wasn't working, I would have known he wasn't feeling well earlier than anyone else and would have been on the ball with making him better.) Instead, my mom called the doctor and waited for the call back to figure out what to do. They called me, but I told them they'd have to call my mom since my students were about to come back in class and I wouldn't be able to talk!
Then, just before my last bell rang, I got a message from the kids' school saying the kids thought they were supposed to be walkers today but no one had a note. I wrote the note before I left this morning and asked Mary Frances to take it to school. She forgot.
(If I'd been home, I would have seen it earlier and would have taken it to school in the morning!)
So, I had to leave my school before I finished everything to walk over to the kids school and pull them out early. It was too late for a note. So, they would have gone home on the bus and no one would have been there. They came back to my school for a little while so I could finish my work.
Then, we went back to their school so Ray C. and I could meet with Thomas' teachers. He is doing very well in school, but he is still have some problems making new friends. I cried in the meeting just because I want him to be happy!
Ray C. had to leave early with Chase so they could get to Chase's football game. Then, I felt guilty because I had to skip his game. I have too much going on and can't catch up with everything that needs to be done. He cried after the game when he realized I wasn't there -- even though I'd told him I wasn't going to be able to make it!
I got a lot accomplished tonight, and amazingly, I don't really feel upset. BUT, I did feel guilty today for not being the ONE in charge of all my children's needs! I love having my family help, but there is something inside of me that says mommy should be the one to take the kids to the doctor, give all the medicine, kiss all the boo-boos, and give the hugs when you had a bad day! That alone made my day a little difficult! But, as I told my mom earlier, thank goodness that each day is new!
It's time for me to go to sleep in my clean sheets! I do love clean sheet day......even if it wasn't supposed to be clean sheet day and that added to my stress!! Another story for another day! :)