Thursday, April 16, 2009

Meet Candy

And as if all that sugar from Easter wasn't enough, we got more "Candy"!
Candy is our newest family member. I found her on a busy road last week where she almost got hit by a car. I picked her up fully intending to return her to her owner, but after searching for a microchip, placing signs around the neighborhood in which I found her, and driving around looking for "lost dog" signs, she belongs to us!

She is so adorable, fully house trained, LOVES to sleep, and tolerates the kids! Sugar enjoys playing with her but she's kind-of like a guard in basketball! No matter where Candy tries to go, Sugar is always one step ahead. Since Sugar is twice her size, she is successful in her blocking attempts!

Anyway..that's the newest news here..I know, all you have to do is stay tuned..there is always NEWS at our house, huh!?!

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