I love teaching my kids new things! I love to see their faces as they process. A few days ago, I had an amazing discussion with Mary Frances about the Civil Rights Movement.
She came home with a comprehension paragraph about Rosa Parks and needed a little help. So, I sat with her as she read through it, but she had to stop after every sentence or two for clarification...different water fountains? separate seats? different schools? Why?
I love that we have been successful in raising our kids to this point with no feeling of inequality between the races. I also love that I had the opportunity to begin teaching her of the struggles that occurred during that historic time and the prejudices that still exist today. In fact, until now my children have called them brown simply as a matter of observation.
When Thomas got involved in the discussion, we had to start from the very beginning because he couldn't figure out how anyone figured out black people were different. So, I explained to him that black people were originally slaves, in America. When the slaves were set free, people still felt like they were lowly and did not treat them like people, sometimes more like animals. So, they had to fight for all of their rights.
We talked about how our families grew up in the south while all of this was going on and why people still have those same prejudices. Mary Frances was very happy to say that she did not feel that way at all, and I explained that was because daddy and I tried really hard to lead them in that direction.
So, as our discussion ended, I had an overwhelming desire to show the kids one of my FAVORITE movies, Remember the Titans! So, we snuggled up and watched, discussing many questions as we went along. I was ecstatic to be able to participate in what felt like a huge moment in my children's lives. I know many more discussions will follow, but we are off to a great start!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Monday, January 09, 2012
"OH SHITaki mushrooms"
As we were driving in the car this weekend, I kept hearing my kids saying "oh... shitaki mushrooms" and wondering what they were talking about! After a few times I remembered hearing it on a movie we just watched and realized that it was just a cover up for a certain curse word.
I know most people use the word, but Ray C. and I just don't cuss. We just don't see the need to use the words and really don't want the kids to say them. Now, I know that most parents don't want their little kids to cuss, but I think most assume they will eventually. I'm assuming that if I teach them properly, they will not.
So....when we got out of the car, I asked them if they knew what they were saying. They did not realize why they were saying it but were using it in the right context. So, I just came right out and said, "Guys, "shit" is a bad word, and that is what you are saying. They all looked at me funny wondering how they were saying that. So, I explained to them what the saying meant. Of course, they wanted to know what the actual word meant and were more appalled by the dog poop than the fact that they were saying a bad word! :)
We had a good little discussion. Ray C. told them that we know they are hearing dirty words from other people but that we do not expect them to use them, and since we don't use them ourselves, I think it is fair to expect the same from them!
As I've been pondering this more, I have been reminded of the bible verse in James which (in Jacqueline's paraphrase) says that God gave us our mouths to glorify Him, and we are being hypocrites if we are using the same mouth to praise him sometimes and then curse things and other people at other times. That is why I choose not to use them. I am certainly not perfect and admit that I say things I shouldn't, but I am trying to keep my words pure and glorifying to the God who blessed me with words!
I know most people use the word, but Ray C. and I just don't cuss. We just don't see the need to use the words and really don't want the kids to say them. Now, I know that most parents don't want their little kids to cuss, but I think most assume they will eventually. I'm assuming that if I teach them properly, they will not.
So....when we got out of the car, I asked them if they knew what they were saying. They did not realize why they were saying it but were using it in the right context. So, I just came right out and said, "Guys, "shit" is a bad word, and that is what you are saying. They all looked at me funny wondering how they were saying that. So, I explained to them what the saying meant. Of course, they wanted to know what the actual word meant and were more appalled by the dog poop than the fact that they were saying a bad word! :)
We had a good little discussion. Ray C. told them that we know they are hearing dirty words from other people but that we do not expect them to use them, and since we don't use them ourselves, I think it is fair to expect the same from them!
As I've been pondering this more, I have been reminded of the bible verse in James which (in Jacqueline's paraphrase) says that God gave us our mouths to glorify Him, and we are being hypocrites if we are using the same mouth to praise him sometimes and then curse things and other people at other times. That is why I choose not to use them. I am certainly not perfect and admit that I say things I shouldn't, but I am trying to keep my words pure and glorifying to the God who blessed me with words!
Bible Study,
lessons learned,
Mary Frances,
The Real Meaning of Christmas
Mary Frances just brought this home from school yesterday. I guess it was hanging up somewhere. Translation:
My favorite day of the year is Christmas. Do you know why? It is Jesus' birthday! Christmas would not be here without him. I love him with all my heart. He is all I ever need. And he will always live in my heart.
I love it! She also came home with an acrostic poem using the word "Christmas" that was precious, but I'm not sure what happened to it over the break! Hopefully I will find it because I definitely wanted to keep it! I love that Jesus is truly part of who she is - not just at church but everywhere! I feel like she is truly getting the message that we want our kids to understand!
My favorite day of the year is Christmas. Do you know why? It is Jesus' birthday! Christmas would not be here without him. I love him with all my heart. He is all I ever need. And he will always live in my heart.
I love it! She also came home with an acrostic poem using the word "Christmas" that was precious, but I'm not sure what happened to it over the break! Hopefully I will find it because I definitely wanted to keep it! I love that Jesus is truly part of who she is - not just at church but everywhere! I feel like she is truly getting the message that we want our kids to understand!
Sunday, January 08, 2012
A cherished memory
This picture may not look like much, but it was probably my favorite moment on Christmas morning! The children had already come out to see what Santa brought them. They had already opened up their stockings in which they got all sorts of fun little things. Thomas got a new bike. Mary Frances got a karaoke machine and a new suitcase, and Chase got a #1 Texans fan finger-thing (whatever those are called)!
Anyway, it meant so much to me that Chase never even noticed that he didn't have a BIG gift from Santa like the others did. He was completely content with all of the little things he had.
Of course, Santa had left him something big, but he'd covered it with a towel, and Chase just didn't notice it! So, Ray C. called him over to his lap and asked him quietly if he liked what Santa gave him. He very happily said he did, and then Ray C. asked him if he noticed anything else near his stocking. When he said "no", Ray C. pointed out the towel covering up something.
So, Chase, shockingly a little timid, went over and removed the towel to find...
So, Vader and Lea are doing well! They are German Giant Bearded Dragons. Which means they will be a little larger than the average beardie. They actually have fun personalities, but they are still a little skiddish. So, holding them is quite a chore. They eat lots of romaine lettuce, meal worms and crickets! Yummm....
Oh...and Lea, the little one, loves to ride on Vader's back! It's typical for beardies - and super cute!
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Church in the Park
We held our December 18th church service at Festival Park in Bridgeland rather than in the movie theatre as usual. It was a perfect day to be outside, and a wonderful time to usher in Christmas! Of course, we've never been a congregation stuck on meeting in a building, since our typical Sunday is filled with the smell of popcorn and lyrics on the big screen.
As usual, so many of our volunteers took part in the planning, setup, and teardown for the service. We had a beautiful Christmas tree as the backdrop for our service that we plan to put in the building next year!! Woohoo!
Nicholas, our youth pastor, and his wife, Lianne, led worship along with our amazing band!!
Moments like this always serve as a reminder of why we are here and how God is using us in this place.
Several of our teenagers read scripture. Austin is one of our seniors who has been working with Ray C. as he pursues a call into ministry. It has been such a joy for us to watch him grow and embrace his calling.
The children's sermon was great. The children usually have their own service, so it was fun to share a few moments with them and see how they responded! It's always fun to get kids up in front of everyone, and there were A LOT of them!! They had all kinds of things to share.
We ended the morning with lunch and hayrides on the property that will soon hold our building! God is so good. We continue to enjoy the journey he has placed us on!
Friday, January 06, 2012
Holiday Party Time
The PTO at our elementary school spoils the kids for our Winter Holiday Party! The kids go outside one grade at a time for an hour and get to play on blow-up slides,
hang out with their friends,
race each other for candy,
make reindeer food that's really for the kids to eat,
and lets not forget DANCE!!
It was fun to see the kids playing with their friends! Of course, after three one-hour parties, I was pooped! The kids want me to be there, but they don't want to stay with me. They just want me to watch what they are doing! I guess that speaks to the power of presence!!

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