Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Pet

Mary Frances had $10 burning a hole in her pocket yesterday as we were visiting a few stores.  So, when we stopped at PetSmart to get crickets and worms to feed the dragons, she had a great idea!!  She realized she had enough money to buy a fish.

So, we left the store with a beta fish!  She was so worried about taking care of it that she wouldn't even carry it.  The thing I like about the fish is that it can stay in the container we bought it in!  I told her that this is one pet that I will not take care of. She is solely responsible for it, and if she doesn't feed it, he will die because I am not going to!!

So, this morning I just asked if she had checked on him when she woke up, and she said she forgot.  So, Thomas ran into her room and said, "Well, at least he isn't floating!"  Mary Frances' response..."Yes!  I kept a pet alive for a day!"'s the little victories that matter!

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