Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Story of Life

As we were returning to the car from lunch today, Thomas, my 4 year old, said, "Mommy, I'm feeling like this story is never going to end!" I asked him what story he was talking about, and he said, "our story." I said, "You mean the story that we live in?" That is exactly what he meant! What an incredible thought for a 4 year old. I know my husband was thinking, "There's a sermon in that for sure!"

Really, though, isn't it an interesting thought to think of ourselves as characters in a story where we affect the outcome? Thomas wanted to know when the story would end, and I explained that it wouldn't end until we die and go to heaven. Then I realized this was a teachable moment! Actually, if we love God and try really hard to tell others about him and do good things for Him, then hopefully our story won't end when we die. We talked about that for a minute and he decided he didn't want to share his story. He wants to take it with him to Heaven! Oh well, it was a great conversation! Who says you can't have adult conversations when you're only surrounded by preschoolers!?!

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