We finally found a dentist in TX and figured out all the insurance junk that is so much fun! So, we all went this week. It was quite an experience. Our dentist is in a brand new location that just opened last month. So, we were the only patients and had the entire staff helping us! It was fun! Of course, I've always loved going to the dentist! I can't say the same for my two youngest kids!
Chase and Mary Frances were very apprehensive, but they managed to open their mouths long enough to brush them and determine there were no cavities!
When Thomas' turn came, he jumped up in the chair and was so good! I was so proud of him. I can't believe how big he is getting! He did everything the dentist told him to do. When she went to clean his bottom front teeth, she said she was having a hard time holding on to them and then realized they were loose! I was so excited because we had been talking about him loosing his teeth just this week! He's excited too, but I think I am more excited!
When I told my mom, she said, "No! He can't be that big!"
I know! Loosing teeth really means you're getting older doesn't it! It means you're not a little kid anymore! You're really growing up! I know he's only 5, but this is a really big deal to us! It's the next big thing after potty training, going to school, and riding a bike!
So, he still has his teeth, but they will be coming out in the near future! I have pictures from the dentist visit, but I can't transfer them from my cell phone! But rest assured, the snaggle tooth picture will be up as soon as the tooth is gone!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Park...
It was so windy yesterday, but it was too pretty outside to stay in the house! So, we packed a picnic and went to the "Frisbee park" in our neighborhood. We have so many different parks and playgrounds, that we have named them by the color of the equipment or what we do while we are there! Actually, we've always done that. In Athens, we have "Grandaddy's park" and "Daddy's Park" (aka "the Duck Park")). Anyway..We had a fun time. Here are a few pictures from our time there!:
(Check out Chase's high-top Red converse-like shoes! He begged me to buy them!)
I don't know where Thomas got this pose, but I have seen it several times recently! Is he planning to be a rock star or what!?!
Up the hill he goes....and on with the chase..

Thursday, February 21, 2008
God Can Help Me
On our long ride the other day, Mary Frances told me that God can help her go up the hills. You know, it's hard to get going up hills, especially when you're first learning to ride! So, I affirmed her. God will absolutely help you because "we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength."
So, when we arrived at the next hill, she stopped. I turned around to tell her that she should not stop before she gets to the hill because you need to get going fast, but when I looked at her, she had her head bowed and her hands together (angel hands) praying! Then, she took off. I started my encouragement, "Yay, Mary Frances! You can do it!" But she interrupted me saying, "No, mommy. God is helping me!" Well excuse me, but I was thrilled that she had such great faith! And he did help her up every hill. She stopped to pray 3 times that I saw! However, one time she had a little hard time getting started. At that point, I reminded her that God always answers our prayers, but sometimes he waits for us to get it started!
It has been a great picture for me this week to remember how important it is for me to not just sit back and wait for God to answer my prayers but to be active in taking that first step forward when I need to!
So, when we arrived at the next hill, she stopped. I turned around to tell her that she should not stop before she gets to the hill because you need to get going fast, but when I looked at her, she had her head bowed and her hands together (angel hands) praying! Then, she took off. I started my encouragement, "Yay, Mary Frances! You can do it!" But she interrupted me saying, "No, mommy. God is helping me!" Well excuse me, but I was thrilled that she had such great faith! And he did help her up every hill. She stopped to pray 3 times that I saw! However, one time she had a little hard time getting started. At that point, I reminded her that God always answers our prayers, but sometimes he waits for us to get it started!
It has been a great picture for me this week to remember how important it is for me to not just sit back and wait for God to answer my prayers but to be active in taking that first step forward when I need to!
A New Bike
Mary Frances got a new bike this week! I know you might be surprised after all we've been through with the "me,me,me" stage, but the rest of the family needed her to have one! Here's the deal! Thomas just started riding his bike (with training wheels). I know I'm starting to sound like a bad mother, but this is the first place we've lived in 3 years that was suitable for learning. On the island, we didn't even have a road suitable for learning. It was dirt, and our driveway was made of rocks!
So, anyway - we're off and we're so excited! Mary Frances already had figured it out but hadn't been doing it much! So, when Thomas took off last week, he wanted to go for a ride around the neighborhood, specifically to his friend, Zachary's house! I was so excited when he asked because it opens up a whole new realm for our family - exercising together and having fun outside! So, the first time we went, Chase didn't want to ride in the baby seat on Ray C.'s bike. So, Mary Frances rode in the seat and Chase ran! I know we sound like bad parents, but anyone who knows Chase knows he was just fine and had a blast! Ray C. mentioned how much easier it is to "chase" him when you have wheels. I must admit I'm terrified to put him on a bike! I'll never catch him!! Anyway, we took plenty of breaks and let him ride a little!
The next time we went, I told Mary Frances to ride her (now old) bike, and she refused. So, I told her she would have to run. We didn't go far, and it was a good lesson for her. So, the next day we went, and she rode her little bike, but before she even got on it, I noticed it next to Thomas' bike and realized it was much too small for her! So, I promised her that if she would try really hard and show me that she could ride, that I would buy her a new one the next day! She did great, and I kept my promise! Of course, I also told her that if she did not have a good attitude about it that we would not let her ride it. She has been very grateful for the gift and not shown the same attitude I saw back in December and January! So, that afternoon, we went for a 2 hour bike ride. I think we went about 2 and a half miles. That was just me and the 3 kids! We had a blast! Mary Frances was a little slow on the first half of the trip, but she was racing Thomas at the end!
This has been so much fun for us! Our neighborhood is an amazing place for bike riding and doing outdoor activities! I am so excited to have something my children enjoy doing that we can do regularly! We all need the exercise!
So, anyway - we're off and we're so excited! Mary Frances already had figured it out but hadn't been doing it much! So, when Thomas took off last week, he wanted to go for a ride around the neighborhood, specifically to his friend, Zachary's house! I was so excited when he asked because it opens up a whole new realm for our family - exercising together and having fun outside! So, the first time we went, Chase didn't want to ride in the baby seat on Ray C.'s bike. So, Mary Frances rode in the seat and Chase ran! I know we sound like bad parents, but anyone who knows Chase knows he was just fine and had a blast! Ray C. mentioned how much easier it is to "chase" him when you have wheels. I must admit I'm terrified to put him on a bike! I'll never catch him!! Anyway, we took plenty of breaks and let him ride a little!
The next time we went, I told Mary Frances to ride her (now old) bike, and she refused. So, I told her she would have to run. We didn't go far, and it was a good lesson for her. So, the next day we went, and she rode her little bike, but before she even got on it, I noticed it next to Thomas' bike and realized it was much too small for her! So, I promised her that if she would try really hard and show me that she could ride, that I would buy her a new one the next day! She did great, and I kept my promise! Of course, I also told her that if she did not have a good attitude about it that we would not let her ride it. She has been very grateful for the gift and not shown the same attitude I saw back in December and January! So, that afternoon, we went for a 2 hour bike ride. I think we went about 2 and a half miles. That was just me and the 3 kids! We had a blast! Mary Frances was a little slow on the first half of the trip, but she was racing Thomas at the end!
This has been so much fun for us! Our neighborhood is an amazing place for bike riding and doing outdoor activities! I am so excited to have something my children enjoy doing that we can do regularly! We all need the exercise!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Guide to Dressing Yourself...

Mary Frances has WAY too much to say about her wardrobe! She has declared, "I'm not wearing pants anymore." Although, when I informed her that meant she couldn't wear any of her little t-shirts since they don't match her skirts, she seemed that she might give in just a little! I don't count on that being very much!

Why do girls have to be so complicated? All boys need is a few pair of jeans a few pair of khakis and some polos. They need one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of dress shoes, and they are set!!!
Anyway, today, we took the time to try on each outfit and take a picture of it. We printed them out and organized them in a photo book.
She is keeping her "Dressing Guide" in the drawer by her bed and may wear anything in it. There is one section for school clothes and one section for other occasions. I am hoping this will make our mornings a little easier!
I'll keep you updated!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Bobby the Baboon
This is Bobby Bob the Baboon! I couldn't get this picture to stand upright the other night when I was posting, but I really wanted him to be on here! He is one of the most "entertaining" animals at the zoo. Actually, I'm always a little apprehensive about walking past him because he has raging hormones and you never know what he might be doing when you pass!
He posed for this picture and many others, but when one man came over to take a picture, he turned around and showed him his butt just for the picture and then turned back around! We all agreed he did it on purpose! He just has that personality!
He posed for this picture and many others, but when one man came over to take a picture, he turned around and showed him his butt just for the picture and then turned back around! We all agreed he did it on purpose! He just has that personality!

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Just Another Day...
It started out nice. We went to a birthday party for a friend and then went to Gap to get a few things. I had Chase and Mary Frances in Gap Kids trying a few things on Mary Frances who insists on wearing only skirts and dresses! We have been arguing about what she wears quite a bit because we just don't have a lot of dresses for everyday...Anyhow, as we were trying on things, Chase got into my purse. While Mary Frances and I walked out of the dressing room to talk to an employee, Chase opened a CHILD-PROOF cap on my prescription medicine and started chowing down! I don't think he got much, but he did get some. His mouth was white from chewing the white tablet. I wiped out as much as I could with my hands and then followed up with a napkin the employee got for me. Another shopper was nice enough to call poison control (800-222-1222). They said we needed to get to a hospital and be treated with charcoal within an hour!
So, we went straight to the hospital. Ray C. came over from the other store and drove us all! I thought you might like to see pictures of our most exciting visit!
The first thing he had to do was drink charcoal! Don't ask me any questions! I still don't know why! That's just the treatment! So, they bring in chocolate milk with the charcoal in it and expect him to drink 2 cups of it - probably about 16-20 ounces. They tried to trick him by telling him it's chocolate milk - even though it was black! As soon as he drank it, he said, "That not choca milk. Choca milk at chick-a-lay!" So, much for that!
But, it must not have been too bad because he did drink a good bit of it. Then he wouldn't drink anymore. So, we had to hold him down and force feed it to him through a syringe! Every time we finished a syringe, he said, "Are we done yet?" He never actually finished it, but he sure did make a mess with what he did have. It was all over both of us! This is a picture of him with his doctor! She thought he was the cutest thing ever with the charcoal all over his face and hands! She showed him to several doctors and nurses passing by. She was very sweet to him.
So, we went straight to the hospital. Ray C. came over from the other store and drove us all! I thought you might like to see pictures of our most exciting visit!

But, it must not have been too bad because he did drink a good bit of it. Then he wouldn't drink anymore. So, we had to hold him down and force feed it to him through a syringe! Every time we finished a syringe, he said, "Are we done yet?" He never actually finished it, but he sure did make a mess with what he did have. It was all over both of us! This is a picture of him with his doctor! She thought he was the cutest thing ever with the charcoal all over his face and hands! She showed him to several doctors and nurses passing by. She was very sweet to him.

She even let him listen to her heart through her stethoscope!
This is Patti, the nurse! We spent a lot of time with her. She was so good with him. She told him he could go for a walk if he would drink the stuff. So, every few steps he had to stop and take a sip. One nurse gave him stickers after he took 2 big sips! Later on, Patti told him he could have a a popsicle if he would drink some more! So, he drank some.

He actually had a lot of fun in the hospital - except being held down to drink the charcoal! He called a Code Blue twice by pulling the button! Everyone ran in the room the first time. I said, "I'm so sorry. It was the baby!" The second time only one came! They all knew we were in there!
He called 3 different nurses on the "Help" button in the bathrooms and in the room we were in! Again, "I'm sorry! It was the baby!" He made the bed - which we decided was really a couch because that is the only way he would sit on it - into a choo choo train! There were 2 levers on the front end. He played that for 30-45 minutes. The nurse was impressed by his imagination!
Poison control told them to keep us 4-6 hours to watch him, They let us go right at 4 hours because he was acting perfectly normal! I can't believe we made it that long! Ray C. took the other two to a few different places throughout the day. So, they weren't in there much!
So, it's been a long day! I am so grateful for God's protection! I continuously ask God to protect these children from all the things that could harm them in this world. The possibilities are endless. I choose to give them to God and not worry about them! When do I have time to worry, anyway?
I think I need a bubble bath!
Mastering Conflict
Mary Frances was sent home with a mid-year assessment this week! It was really great! However, I had to laugh as I was reading down the list. She got several average grades for doing what was appropriate for her age and the first one she got an "M" for ( for mastering) was using words in conflict! Well, why wouldn't she have mastered that one? She's had plenty of practice since she first learned the words! And the terrible twos were definitely her training! Seriously, it is a good thing that she can communicate well, but in my family she was destined for it!
Valentine's Day

So, we went to the zoo on Valentine's Day! Thursday is Ray C.'s day off now. So, we have been doing some fun things! Anyway, we had a blast seeing the animals and learning a little bit more about them! They are quite entertaining!

This is baby Jack and his mommy! He is only 2 or 3 weeks old. We saw him the day after he was born! Isn't he cute! Bot am I glad our babies don't come out that big!

After visiting the zoo, we walked around a little in Hermann Park! It is very pretty with lots of water and grass! That may sound funny to you, but we don't see a lot of trees and grass out here! It's mostly concrete! Anyway, the kids laid down for a very brief moment for me to snap one picture and then they were off again!
And would you believe, we had TWO nice meals with the kids that day! We went out for lunch and dinner while we were gone, and we actually enjoyed both meals! Again, this may seem crazy to some of you that I am surprised, but remember they are 2, 4, and 5 and not exactly calm! They are full of life, energy, and lots of love!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Mary Frances' Birthday
Monday, February 04, 2008
Cascada...one of my favorite Spanish words. It sounds so pretty! It means "waterfall," and it reminds me of a beautiful waterfall in Guatemala outside of Panajachel! However, this morning, when I heard Mary Frances running down the stairs saying, "Chase is making a waterfall," I didn't have such good thoughts! I could only imagine what was happening in the bathroom upstairs with the door closed and the water running (which I could hear from downstairs)!!
I opened the door to discover a real waterfall "cascading" from the sink, down the cabinets, and ALL over the floor! After a quick scream, I began mopping up the water with the partially dry towels under the sink - knowing it was probably leaking into the laundry room! It was indeed pouring from the vent downstairs into the laundry room. Thankfully, Ray C. was still home and began the clean up downstairs. After further investigation, I discovered that the drawers were even full of water, and everything under the sink was drenched! We cleaned up and still made it to school on time. Chase was disciplined appropriately! I hope that is the last time we have a waterfall inside our house!
Oh, I bet you're wondering what Chase was doing - as if he needs an excuse other than being 2!! Well, he was bathing the Barbie Dolls! They are now nice and clean!
I opened the door to discover a real waterfall "cascading" from the sink, down the cabinets, and ALL over the floor! After a quick scream, I began mopping up the water with the partially dry towels under the sink - knowing it was probably leaking into the laundry room! It was indeed pouring from the vent downstairs into the laundry room. Thankfully, Ray C. was still home and began the clean up downstairs. After further investigation, I discovered that the drawers were even full of water, and everything under the sink was drenched! We cleaned up and still made it to school on time. Chase was disciplined appropriately! I hope that is the last time we have a waterfall inside our house!
Oh, I bet you're wondering what Chase was doing - as if he needs an excuse other than being 2!! Well, he was bathing the Barbie Dolls! They are now nice and clean!
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