Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa Clause is Coming Early

My children have no idea... I told Thomas this morning that this is going to be a fun weekend, and even that tomorrow might be the best day of his life! He said, "Is tomorrow Christmas Eve?" I love that kid!!

Thomas has held steadfast to 2 gifts on his Christmas list: a skateboard and a dog! He is afraid Santa will leave him a stuffed dog.

After telling him for a month that we were not getting a dog, we finally caved in! I wanted a cute, fluffy, house-trained, small (10-12 lbs), lap dog. Wait until you see what we got! She does not fit one of my descriptive words - cute doesn't even fit! She is beautiful!

She's also:
a stray from the rescue center (SPCA for those of you in Houston)
short haired
house training unknown
40 POUNDS!!!

Yep...that suckered me into it, but the more we learn about her breed the more excited we get! She is a Vizsla/Labrador Mix. She is a golden color with captivating eyes.

So, she was spayed yesterday and we pick her up tomorrow. So, we can't wait until Christmas morning!

I am working on getting Santa to bring her over tomorrow morning! You'll have to check back tomorrow for pictures!

We will have to name her...Any suggestions? I'm hoping for Nala!! She has the color of the famous Lioness...I'm even considering just telling the kids that is her name and not giving them a chance to name her...what do you think?

1 comment:

Kara said...

That's great. We want to go to the shelter for a dog too. Our 12 year Dalmation died this past summer and we are waiting for the "perfect" time to get another dog. I thought of Christmas, but don't think that is going to happen.

Hope you enjoy your new family member! Oh, and by the way, Labs are great! So I am sure your dog will be too.