Monday, April 27, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

We had some major flash flooding last week! These are pictures of our street!!

That's my newspaper floating in the street! Would you believe it was barely wet and still completely readable? Good job, Houston Chronicle!!

Ray C. and I had a little tiff about playing in the water over this! He was going to let the kids run out and play in the water WHILE IT WAS THUNDERING AND LIGHTNING!! I do love his adventurous spirit, but sometimes you just have to say NO!!

The kids were upset with me because I told them no after daddy told them to get their swimsuits on. I explained to them that daddy loves to have fun, and that even though it seems like fun and daddy said they could, they needed to remember that daddy is also okay with surfing during a hurricane and swimming too far out with the sharks! Who should you listen to? Hmmm... They made a wise decision, thank goodness!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Lol! Love this story! Too funny about your husband. Your family is adorable.