I got everything shown above for just under $50. Some of the items were on clearance. So, I saved over $50!!!
Here's what I got, in case you can't tell:
1 pair of tennis shoes for me - $4.50
1 pair of thick tights for Mary Frances
2 pairs of thin tights for Mary Frances
2 pairs of leggings for Mary Frances
1 pair of black dress shoes for Mary Frances
3 pairs of dress socks for Ray C.
1 AWESOME pair of black heels for ME
1 beautiful red belt, also for me
1 bag of socks for the boys
I'm probably going back tomorrow to get a pair of black "converse" for Chase that will be $9 with the sale!!
Remember, EVERYTHING is on sale. I saw some awesome purses that would have been only $10. I just couldn't justify buying them for myself. Let me know if you get something!
If you are interested in all the crazy deals I get, check out these websites: