Saturday, December 25, 2010


What were my parents thinking?Ray C. grew up watching "A Christmas Story" every year. He can quote every part of the movie, and we hear it all year long for different occasions! Anyhow, my parents just couldn't resist the leg lamp they found at CVS a few weeks ago. So, my dad fixed up a box with "FRAGILE" written all over it and packaged it just like in the movie! Ray C. quoted the movie the entire time it took to set it up -- even the kids were quoting it! And now, it sits by our bed in a lovely spot in my haven of the world! YAY!! Thanks mom and dad! :)

(Chase's face in the picture fits perfectly with the movie!)

1 comment:

Bella & Poppa said...

You should wrap it back up & give it to them next Christmas!! That would be too funny!!