Thursday, December 23, 2010

it's too early...

This past Sunday was an early day for us. Ray C. had to be at church at 5, and I had to be there at 6:40, which meant all the kids had to be up and ready by 6:30 --- no small feat to accomplish on your own. Of course, I do it every week, but we usually have about 30 more minutes!

Anyway...I told the kids we would be leaving the house while it was still dark. So, we would need to get up very early. So, Thomas and Mary Frances wanted to use Thomas' alarm on his clock. I set the alarm for 6:00, but I knew I would need to go to check on them as well!

At about 6:10 I went upstairs to find both kids in a heavy sleep and the UNPLUGGED alarm clock laying on it's side as if it had been thrown. So, I woke the kids up and asked if it had gone off, and they both said a sleepy & annoyed "YES...very early". So I questioned Thomas, "So you decided to unplug it?"

His reply was, "It was making a very annoying beeping sound. So I just unplugged it!" After laughing at the idea of experiencing your first early morning alarm signal I informed him that all he had to do was push SNOOZE and it would give him 10 more minutes! "Ohh..."

I love to relive all of these firsts from their perspective!

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