Chase's preschool Bridge class performed some rodeo songs for the parents and grandparents this past week. They were so cute - especially since his class is made up of only 8 boys! Mrs. Zarazee loves her boys, and they love her back!
Aren't they too cute?? (Chase is fourth from the left.)
We were so excited to have Grandaddy there! It was so nice to have some family there for one of the kids' events. That has been one of the hardest things for me living so far away from family!
Chase adores Grandaddy...
and Ms. Barb, his music teacher for the past 4 years...
and Mrs. Zarazee! He has had a fun year in the Bridge program, and we are so excited we decided to let him wait one more year before kindergarten. He has definitely matured and will be ready to do GREAT in kinder!
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