Monday, August 18, 2014

Thankful for Summer...

I woke up 45 minutes early this morning.  I guess I'm excited/anxious about starting back to school today.  It has been an amazing summer!  As I was doing my mom jobs last night..laundry, making dinner...I was thinking about how grateful I am to have a job that allows me to have the summers off.  It allows me time to recharge, focus on my family and projects that I want to do at home.  I can sleep in, get everything done without rushing, and work on things that I don't have time for during the year.

I am so thankful to have the time off with my children to get to know them more intimately and to be able to help them develop into the people God has created them to be.

This summer I have traveled to Europe, been to a family reunion in Arkansas, cheered on my son in the World Series in Dallas, visited family in Florida, partied at Ray C.'s class reunion, read six books, learned to geocache with my children and their friends, exercised, concentrated more on healthy eating habits, laughed with my children, prepare my son for middle school, caught up with old friends, discovered how much I love my children, strengthened my relationship with my high-school-sweetheart husband, built a bookshelf/desk in my bonus room, partied with friends and family at my surprise birthday party, and I have been reminded of how truly blessed I am to have my family living so close.  I'm sure I have forgotten things, but suffice it to say that it has been a great few months.

Today, I go back to school.  Sadly, it is not the school I have been at the last two years, and it is not the team I have come to adore at Smith.  However, I am ready and excited.  Today I become an Anthony Raven.  I am "opening the school" with the rest of the staff.  I have the opportunity to work in a brand new state-of-the-art school.  (It isn't actually ready yet, but we should be ready enough for students next week.) I am looking forward to setting up my room, planning with my new team, and getting ready to welcome my precious little 6th graders on Monday!

Am I sad summer is over?  Not really.  It's been fun, but I am ready for the school routine.  I love what I do as a teacher.  I love that I am making a difference in the world 160+ students at a time!  I love that I get up early, work, and then can be home when my children return from school.  I am still a mother first and foremost.  It is the most important job God has given me.  We are molding three little people to go out and change the world.  I can only do so much as one person, but when these three kids grow up to love God and His people, they are going to go out and do so much more that Ray C. or I can do alone!

This summer I have had the opportunity to really see into their hearts, and they amaze me.  They are all caring and generous. They all love the Lord.  I have absolutely loved spending time with them and my husband this summer, but today, I am charged and ready to go out and do what God has called me to do in the world.  Teach!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Middle School

Today is Sabercat Express.  It's the 6th graders turn to go up to the school to get their schedules, PE clothes, planners, spirit shirts, etc. and to walk their schedule and learn their locker combination!  Thomas is so excited.  He is looking forward to seeing friends he hasn't seen since school ended and other friends that he missed when he changed schools last year!

So, last night I asked him what he was planning to wear, and his response was "cologne"!  What?  He has cracked me up all summer long.  He cracks jokes constantly.  However, this wasn't a joke.  It's just a sign of him growing up, which, for now, is fun and exciting to see.  I love that he is going to middle school this year.  I stressed all last year about it as I watched my own 6th grade students, but he is ready for it now! Bring it on!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

When He Grows Up...

Chase drew this picture in church last week.  It's him on the stage in our sanctuary...preaching!  I really would not be surprised if God called him to follow in his daddy's footsteps!

A Letter to Thomas (not originally published)

My sweet Thomas,

I love you with all of my heart. Today is a day I have been dreading for a long time, and unfortunately there will be more like it. Today, I had to let you go to kindergarten. I am sure you will never understand how difficult this has been for me as your mother.

For six years, I have eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you. I have put you down for naps and quiet times every day. I have taught you almost everything you know at this point. And this morning, I turned you over to someone else for 7 hours. I just can't imagine being without you the majority of the day. I am jealous that your teacher gets to spend so much time with you, and I am praying fervently that she will treat you with the love and respect you deserve.

You have such a sweet spirit. I have prayed for years that you would have teachers who understand the way God has uniquely made you - that they will be drawn to your sweet spirit, and that they will be able to lead you in the direction you need to go even when it is difficult.

You are so smart. I am amazed at all the things you know and remember. It has been so much fun to teach you, and I will continue to do so.

Last night as we were eating dinner, I realized we hadn't discussed prayers at school. In your preschool last year, you said a prayer before eating, but all of the sudden I realized that you would be expecting that and it isn't going to happen.  Of course, that made me sad, too. When I explained that the teacher can't pray with you, you didn't understand, but I told you to say your own prayer if you'd like!

I can't wait for you to get home on the bus to hear how your day went and what you thought. We will be eagerly waiting your arrival at the bus stop!

Thomas, I am in love with you! You are an amazing kid. My prayer for you continues to be that your love for God and your eagerness to learn will mature as your mature physically - the older you get, the more you love God! Although, I am happy to wait for you to grow up, I am looking forward to seeing how you allow God to mold you into the man He has created you to be, and I hope that He will continue to let me be a part of it!

I love you, sweetheart!



Monday, August 11, 2014

20 Years

It is hard to believe that Ray C. graduated 20 years ago!  We celebrated with half of the class this past weekend at the Country Club in Monticello.  It was so much fun to see old friends.
Jill, Stuart, and Ray C.    

 Kurt told the boys that he was the guy that protected their daddy on the football field!  He was an offensive lineman, and Ray C. was the quarterback.  You can be sure there were LOTS of football stories!

I was excited to see Rosalyn & Jill.  We've been friends since Ray C. & I started dating!

Here they are....looking great!!           
  I think we look pretty good too!    One of Ray C's oldest friends - K.C. Cooksey!    
                                                   ...and Gerrick

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

School clothes shopping

Well...I just dropped a load of money on school clothes today!  I got great deals, and no one got an outrageous amount of clothes.  But, shopping for 2 preteens and a fashion wanna-be son was not cheap!

I went in to Abercrombie for the first time ever!  I want to make sure my new middle school boy looks sharp, and he will!  He'll even smell good because he requested cologne! However, we couldn't find anything appropriate for girlie!   We had to shop Justice for that!

So...for now, all the clothes are on my bed with the tags still on just in case my hubby comes home and flips!?!  

Thursday, July 31, 2014

New Photos

Mary Frances needed some new pictures for her next play audition.  So, we had a little photo shoot around the neighborhood.  I can't believe how much she has grown and matured!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Frontier Camp

All three kids went to Frontier Camp again this year!  They had a blast, and we had a relaxing week of date nights!  I'm so glad they have the opportunity to go to such a wonderful camp!

Friday, July 04, 2014

July 4th

We stayed in town for the 4th this year.  We spent the majority of the day at the pool - cooking out and playing.  Afterwards, we went over to mama & daddy's house for some of Papa's famous Bloody Mary's and burgers.  I am still so incredibly thankful that my family chose to move out here with us!  We love having them here, and I love that my children get to spend so much time with all of them!

 Chase loves Papa G.!
 the grill master
 Even Honey jumped off the diving board!
 and, of course, Grandaddy, was also up for the challenge