Monday, May 12, 2008

Mommy to the Rescue

We are so excited that our pool is open on weekends for the month of May. So, we have been visiting as much as possible! However, our trip on Saturday was very frightening!

Ray C. and I were both watching the kids and chatting with some friends. Thomas was playing in the 3 ft. 3 inch water and the other 2 pretty much stay in the 1 ft water. So, we kept checking on them. At one point I looked over and couldn't see Chase. So, I stood up and looked around and noticed him flailing in the 3 ft pool. I ran through water as fast as I could to get to him, passing 2 life guards on the way! I don't know how long he was there before I got to him, but he was terrified. We didn't stay much longer, but he wouldn't go back in the water the rest of the time.

It didn't really hit me until he went to sleep that night, and then I lost it! It is so scary to realize that we can only do so much. I can't protect them from everything. And then, my husband preached the next day on "Mothering is not for Cowards" and the fact that our relationships were designed for separation. It's so hard to hear that and yet important to understand!

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