Monday, October 20, 2008

"Shut Up and Relax"

There are certain benefits to being the pastor's wife, but yesterday I learned one thing that isn't a benefit!

You know how the last song of the service is usually a reflective song - a chance to go down and pray alone or with a pastor if you need to? Well, I was moved by the sermon, feeling the need to talk to someone who could help me sort through my emotions. Since I was sitting with Ray C., I thought, "Well, perfect positioning for me. I'll just talk to him here in my seat."

I started in with, "Honey, I'm feeling really overwhelmed."

Ray C.: "Why?"

Me: "I just feel like I'm always on ministry mode. Even now I only have 5 more minutes to relax until I go back into it."

Ray C.: "Well, shut up and relax then!" (in the kindest was possible)

WOW!!! Is that what preachers usually say to people when they begin to pour out their heartfelt concerns? So much for that benefit!!

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