I took a Bible Study this summer in which we studied the book "Margin" by Richard Swenson. So, I having been contemplating how I can restore margin to my crazy life without moving out to the country and forgetting about modern-day conveniences. I thought I'd share what I've come up with.
1. We tried disconnecting our television stations, but it was more expensive to do that than to keep them! Go figure!! So, we just haven't been turning it on. The kids are watching less and playing more. I have been reading EVERY night and loving it. As a result, I am going to bed earlier and enjoying peace in the evenings!
2. I am saying "no" to opportunities that do not line up with what God has called me to do. I do not have to go to every birthday party I am invited to, do every Bible Study offered, or participate in every night out suggested. I do what I can handle. This is still a process for me, but it is great. Of course, saying no is also difficult, and as school starts back there will be much more to consider, but I'm on the journey!
3. I'm going to cancel my gym membership and exercise outside. I find it difficult to make myself go to the gym. I don't love working out. So, I figure if I'm going to have to make myself do it, I might as well spend less money and save myself the trip back and forth to the gym!
4. We've opened up a separate checking account so that I can do a better job keeping up with what I am spending on the items that I am responsible for. It is so easy to put things on the credit card and not consider how much I actually have to purchase things! I am really excited about this one!
5. I'm not going to answer the phone between seven and nine at night. That is the most hectic part of my day, and answering the phone only makes it worse. It will also help me to show my children that they are important enough to make someone else wait while I spend quality time with them!
6. I am trying to leave 15 minutes early than I usually do so that I can be 5-10 minutes early instead of 5-10 minutes late to everything! I'm actually doing pretty good on this most of the time!
7. I am putting my work (weddings or house work) down more often to read books to my children when they ask and to play games with them almost every day. Since I have started doing this, I don't feel guilty on the days when I have to work and have less time to spend with them.
I am nervous about the fall because the activities are going to challenge my margin, but I am also looking forward to what God will do in my life as I protect the time that I have with him and for him and with my family! God made me with limitations. So, I am going to try to live within them even though everything in my MEGA-TASKING personality says not to!!
If you'd like to learn more, I STRONGLY suggest the book Margin and the study that goes with called "Restoring Margin to Overloaded Lives."