Sunday, August 09, 2009

the Button

I took the children to Steak and Shake a few days ago and was amazed at how much fun we had! They were so well-behaved - another reminder of how much they are growing!

Anyway, before we left, I took them all to the bathroom. Of course, "speedy" Chase ran in the men's bathroom before I could catch him. So, I stood outside the door until he was finished. We he came out he was holding a button that he had found on the floor which completely grossed me out since it was in the men's bathroom. Yuck...

Moving on...he was really excited about his find and did not appreciate me telling him to throw it down quickly. So, he ran to Thomas and Mary Frances and said, "Guys, look what I found. It's a belly button!"

He just got his words mixed up, but I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of it!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

These are great!! Keep adding on!