Friday, December 11, 2009

Santa's Wonderland

Ray C. called me a few days ago and said, "I want to be spontaneous. Can you just trust me, and let me surprise you guys?" After asking if it was really a good idea, if I would actually like it, and making sure the kids would not get in bed too late, I still reluctantly agreed to go along with him. So, he came home, and we left. He said it would take us an hour and a half to get where we were going, and I again pressed him on how we would be back in time for the kids to get in bed. He promised, so I gave in!
Only about an hour later, we arrived at Santa's Wonderland, close to College Station. The lights were amazing!
Look at all of this! We drove through, watching reindeer "jump" over arches, frogs leaping in the water, and a dragonfly landing on a flower.
I can't believe all the time someone spends on this!
I was so excited to see that Jesus was the finale of the light show!

1 comment:

Connie said...

That's awesome! And so sweet of Ray C. =) It reminds me of the light display at the Jones' in Crossett!!