Friday, September 28, 2007
I've had a headache since Saturday. I went to the doctor yesterday and got some migraine medicine, but she said since I have waited so long it may not work. I don't have a headache this morning, but the kids ARE gone to school. I feel like it could come back any minute. So, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should go on to the ER. I'm waiting for the DR to call me back. Please pray this goes away quickly. I really don't want to miss my wedding this weekend!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Newlyweds
I'm not sure if this is normal behavior for preschoolers or if it is just because I work with weddings every week, but our children have informed us that they got married. Therefore they must sleep in the same bed. So, Thomas has moved into Mary Frances' room. He even has some of his clothes hanging in her closet.
While I was gone one night, they informed Ray C. that we are grandparents. They actually take really good care of their "children." Of course, I'm biased! :) They put them all to bed each night under their own blankets. They kiss them and sometimes even read the ma story!
This seems really weird and really cute at the same time! It's just innocent fun, and we figure they will not want to sleep together when they are teenagers. So, what does it hurt now? One night they wouldn't go to sleep, and I made Thomas go back to his room. It was really sad. He was so upset. Through his crying he said, "But we are married. I have to sleep in the same bed with her!" It really broke my heart, but I stood firm on my ground that night!
This really works fine for the most part, but the marriage has gotten a little rocky around 2:30
a few mornings! I have been woken up by them arguing over the side of the bed and Mary Frances getting very upset because he touched her!
So, yesterday morning I said, "I'd like to speak to the little married couple please," and Thomas started laughing.
I said, "Do you know who I'm talking about?"
Thomas said, "Me and Mary Frances," with a grin on his face.
Ray C. started laughing when I began to tell them that they were going to have to sleep in separate beds if they woke me up again in the middle of the night arguing! I told them they needed to work these things out on their own and keep their hands to themselves!"
Of course it was especially funny to Ray C. because he had no idea any of this had been going on at night! Unfortunately for me, he sleeps VERY well at night!
So, they are getting along well now. I will keep you updated as the soap opera continues!
While I was gone one night, they informed Ray C. that we are grandparents. They actually take really good care of their "children." Of course, I'm biased! :) They put them all to bed each night under their own blankets. They kiss them and sometimes even read the ma story!
This seems really weird and really cute at the same time! It's just innocent fun, and we figure they will not want to sleep together when they are teenagers. So, what does it hurt now? One night they wouldn't go to sleep, and I made Thomas go back to his room. It was really sad. He was so upset. Through his crying he said, "But we are married. I have to sleep in the same bed with her!" It really broke my heart, but I stood firm on my ground that night!
This really works fine for the most part, but the marriage has gotten a little rocky around 2:30
a few mornings! I have been woken up by them arguing over the side of the bed and Mary Frances getting very upset because he touched her!
So, yesterday morning I said, "I'd like to speak to the little married couple please," and Thomas started laughing.
I said, "Do you know who I'm talking about?"
Thomas said, "Me and Mary Frances," with a grin on his face.
Ray C. started laughing when I began to tell them that they were going to have to sleep in separate beds if they woke me up again in the middle of the night arguing! I told them they needed to work these things out on their own and keep their hands to themselves!"
Of course it was especially funny to Ray C. because he had no idea any of this had been going on at night! Unfortunately for me, he sleeps VERY well at night!
So, they are getting along well now. I will keep you updated as the soap opera continues!
Start Spreadin' The News...
I'm leaving (in three weeks)! I want to be a part of it! New York Neeeeewwww Yorrrrrrkk!
Yep, I'm finally going! When I dream BIG, I dream of being ON Broadway! Well, I may not be on Broadway, but I'll be there! My mother is taking my sister and me. We are all so excited! I am trying to decide what my sign will say at the Today Show! Here are my ideas: (Remember, the good signs are the ones who get to talk to Matt, Al, Meredith, and Anne!
1. "I sleep with my preacher!"
2. "I'm in love" (on the front of a red heart) and "with my husband" on the back
3. "Mother of THREE Preschoolers" (and a picture of the kids)
Yep, I'm finally going! When I dream BIG, I dream of being ON Broadway! Well, I may not be on Broadway, but I'll be there! My mother is taking my sister and me. We are all so excited! I am trying to decide what my sign will say at the Today Show! Here are my ideas: (Remember, the good signs are the ones who get to talk to Matt, Al, Meredith, and Anne!
1. "I sleep with my preacher!"
2. "I'm in love" (on the front of a red heart) and "with my husband" on the back
3. "Mother of THREE Preschoolers" (and a picture of the kids)
Don't Pause
I love having caller ID. Believe it or not, I've never had it before. It is so much fun to know who is calling and to be able to say funny things when you answer (because you know who you are speaking to)!! Anyway, sometimes I get tricked or I answer the phone that does not have the ID on it. In that case, if I say "hello" and do not hear an immediate response, I hang up! The telemarketers have that thing that checks to see if you answered. So, while they are registering that I did answer, I am registering that they are calling! So, if you call my house and I hang up on you, it's because you were too slow. Just call back and say "hello" back to me - quickly!
Friday, September 21, 2007
What Do I do?
I can't figure out how to use my time while the kids are in school! Should I relax? Should I work like crazy? Should I shop? Well, shopping is my choice, but I'm sure my husband will leave a comment about that choice!!! I don't want to waste my time. It goes by so fast. Anyone else deal with these issues? I know balance is the answer. So, off I go to take a shower. (I already worked out, and my amazing husband took the kids to school!) Then, I'll clean the bathrooms. Wait, maybe I should clean before my shower!?! Anyway, I think I will also return the blender that only worked three times. This is only our 3rd blender this year! We just make smoothies! I guess we need a commercial blender, huh!?! Then, it will probably be time to pick up the kids and go to my paying job - weddings!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Old Chair and a Half
We bought our chair and half long before kids! It's probably 8 years old now. Most people would have gotten rid of it 4 years ago when the dogs destroyed it. It's a very nice piece of furniture that should last 20 years or more - if you don't let animals and kids destroy it!! Anyway, we LOVE it! It is the most comfortable piece of furniture we own, and it is so nice to be able to snuggle together while we watch a movie. Ray C. and I fell asleep in it the first 3 nights we had it and slept most of the night there.
Now, it is very dirty and has several semi-patched holes in it! It needs to be restuffed and recovered, and I intend to do that as soon as possible! But it is still comfy!
I was thinking about all these things as I was snuggled up in the chair last night with all 3 of my children watching the Wizard of Oz. Ray C. had the entire sofa to himself, and I was a little uncomfortable, but I felt so blessed. At one point, Ray C. said, "Doesn't anybody love daddy? Doesn't anyone want to sit with me?" Thomas ran over to sit with him, but as soon as daddy fell asleep, Thomas came back to join the rest of us.
So, as I watched the Wizard of Oz, I wondered what it is about mommy that makes everyone want to be with me! They love daddy, but they want me for comfort! It is difficult to be so needed. Yes, it is sweet, but it can be exhausting as well, but for today, I feel as blessed as I am to have 3 precious children who love me and want to be with me!
As for the chair, it will be recovered sometime, but the looks don't matter as much as the comfort it provides! I'm glad we have it!
Now, it is very dirty and has several semi-patched holes in it! It needs to be restuffed and recovered, and I intend to do that as soon as possible! But it is still comfy!
I was thinking about all these things as I was snuggled up in the chair last night with all 3 of my children watching the Wizard of Oz. Ray C. had the entire sofa to himself, and I was a little uncomfortable, but I felt so blessed. At one point, Ray C. said, "Doesn't anybody love daddy? Doesn't anyone want to sit with me?" Thomas ran over to sit with him, but as soon as daddy fell asleep, Thomas came back to join the rest of us.
So, as I watched the Wizard of Oz, I wondered what it is about mommy that makes everyone want to be with me! They love daddy, but they want me for comfort! It is difficult to be so needed. Yes, it is sweet, but it can be exhausting as well, but for today, I feel as blessed as I am to have 3 precious children who love me and want to be with me!
As for the chair, it will be recovered sometime, but the looks don't matter as much as the comfort it provides! I'm glad we have it!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I've tried to start this post several times, but I can't figure out what to say. I really don't want to complain, but I am overwhelmed.
All three kids have been sick and are feeling much better today after each going to the doctor on a different day! They've all missed school which is a bummer for me and for them!
Chase needs to take a family picture to school tomorrow, and I don't know when the last time we took one was, but I'm sure he looks much different!
Mary Frances is testing her teachers' nerves. She told us last night, on her own, that she was disobeying at school because she thought her teachers would let her. I think she has noticed that it must not be okay since she got sent to the OFFICE last week! She is only 3, and she's already been to the office! This is truly my main stress! I have got to talk to her teacher again. This kid is smart. She knows exactly what buttons to push if she is allowed! That strong-will is rearing its ugly ahead again, and I am not liking it!!!
My kids are being labeled "preacher's kids" and I'm not too happy about that either! Obviously, they are preacher's kids. However, that isn't used as a name tag so much as a stereotype. Sometimes they are called that because they know all the right answers at Sunday school and I have a feeling, the bad things get them labeled as a typical "PK" as well - the wild ones! You know, "ALL PK'S are BAD!!" The thing about them answering all the questions right gets me because it doesn't really have anything to do with them being a PK. I'm the one who has spent most of the time with them teaching them. Most of those answers they get from me! Ray C. certainly teaches them a lot, but, as the stay-at-home-mom, I spend the majority of time with them! But PK's are not the only ones who are strong leaders and know about God! It doesn't really bother me when people jokingly call them PK's for the "good" things they do, but I just really don't like the label for any reason!
Chase is 2! Need I say more here??
I haven't cleaned my bathrooms is 2 weeks and there are orangey rings around the toilets! What is that, by the way?
My piano is calling me, and I work instead!
I can't figure out how to balance my time in all the busy-ness! I love Houston, but sometimes I miss island time and the option of taking a walk on the noisy beach with waves crashing at my feet just to catch my breath, to cry, or to sing to God!
I'll get it together! I think the kids will all go back to school tomorrow, and I might get a fresh breath! Maybe I'll take a walk on the nature trail here and discover God in the quiet wind and trees!
All three kids have been sick and are feeling much better today after each going to the doctor on a different day! They've all missed school which is a bummer for me and for them!
Chase needs to take a family picture to school tomorrow, and I don't know when the last time we took one was, but I'm sure he looks much different!
Mary Frances is testing her teachers' nerves. She told us last night, on her own, that she was disobeying at school because she thought her teachers would let her. I think she has noticed that it must not be okay since she got sent to the OFFICE last week! She is only 3, and she's already been to the office! This is truly my main stress! I have got to talk to her teacher again. This kid is smart. She knows exactly what buttons to push if she is allowed! That strong-will is rearing its ugly ahead again, and I am not liking it!!!
My kids are being labeled "preacher's kids" and I'm not too happy about that either! Obviously, they are preacher's kids. However, that isn't used as a name tag so much as a stereotype. Sometimes they are called that because they know all the right answers at Sunday school and I have a feeling, the bad things get them labeled as a typical "PK" as well - the wild ones! You know, "ALL PK'S are BAD!!" The thing about them answering all the questions right gets me because it doesn't really have anything to do with them being a PK. I'm the one who has spent most of the time with them teaching them. Most of those answers they get from me! Ray C. certainly teaches them a lot, but, as the stay-at-home-mom, I spend the majority of time with them! But PK's are not the only ones who are strong leaders and know about God! It doesn't really bother me when people jokingly call them PK's for the "good" things they do, but I just really don't like the label for any reason!
Chase is 2! Need I say more here??
I haven't cleaned my bathrooms is 2 weeks and there are orangey rings around the toilets! What is that, by the way?
My piano is calling me, and I work instead!
I can't figure out how to balance my time in all the busy-ness! I love Houston, but sometimes I miss island time and the option of taking a walk on the noisy beach with waves crashing at my feet just to catch my breath, to cry, or to sing to God!
I'll get it together! I think the kids will all go back to school tomorrow, and I might get a fresh breath! Maybe I'll take a walk on the nature trail here and discover God in the quiet wind and trees!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Here I Am
I know its been a long time! Thanks for sticking it out with me! WOW!! I can't get over how busy I am! I wanted to go to bed at 9:30 tonight, but I couldn't because loads of laundry needed to be put away, the floor needed to be mopped, and my sweet husband needed clothes ironed for tomorrow! So, here I am on the computer at 12:30 a.m. with all my tasks complete! It has been a good day!
I spoke (for the first time) at a Women's Circle this morning called Princesses of the King! What an amazing group of women! God led me to speak on marriage, and I had a great time. I hope His word impacted the women present. I am certainly no expert on marriage, but God is and He can use anyone willing!
I played Bunco with some other ladies tonight, and the kids go to preschool in the morning! Uh Oh! I forgot to get their things together. Oh well, I'll do it at 6:30 tomorrow morning. I am sure to be up then with shining childish faces demanding, once again, "cookies" and juice.
I just don't have time to go into everything going on, but we are good! I am working one pictures and info on the last several weeks! It will be up soon!
Stay Tuned!!
I spoke (for the first time) at a Women's Circle this morning called Princesses of the King! What an amazing group of women! God led me to speak on marriage, and I had a great time. I hope His word impacted the women present. I am certainly no expert on marriage, but God is and He can use anyone willing!
I played Bunco with some other ladies tonight, and the kids go to preschool in the morning! Uh Oh! I forgot to get their things together. Oh well, I'll do it at 6:30 tomorrow morning. I am sure to be up then with shining childish faces demanding, once again, "cookies" and juice.
I just don't have time to go into everything going on, but we are good! I am working one pictures and info on the last several weeks! It will be up soon!
Stay Tuned!!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Vacation Week & Preschool

After a fun week of playing around town, the children started preschool! We were all excited. They had a wonderful day, but there are some things that will take a little time to get used to. Mary Frances did not like nap time. She had a hard time staying on her mat, but she loved everything else. She was disappointed they did not paint, but I assured her they would do a lot of painting.
Thomas was a little apprehensive when I dropped him off. He just couldn't get enough hugs and kisses. He was also upset because some of the children wouldn't play with him, but the teacher told him it was just because only 2 children could be at each center

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