Friday, September 21, 2007

What Do I do?

I can't figure out how to use my time while the kids are in school! Should I relax? Should I work like crazy? Should I shop? Well, shopping is my choice, but I'm sure my husband will leave a comment about that choice!!! I don't want to waste my time. It goes by so fast. Anyone else deal with these issues? I know balance is the answer. So, off I go to take a shower. (I already worked out, and my amazing husband took the kids to school!) Then, I'll clean the bathrooms. Wait, maybe I should clean before my shower!?! Anyway, I think I will also return the blender that only worked three times. This is only our 3rd blender this year! We just make smoothies! I guess we need a commercial blender, huh!?! Then, it will probably be time to pick up the kids and go to my paying job - weddings!!

1 comment:

Kris said...

I find I have that same problem. I battle between doing productive things (as I should be doing..laundry, cleaning, vacuming etc..) shopping (which my husband would also have a strong opinion about and just sitting and doing absolutley NOTHING while I can!!

Tell me when you find that balance. Plus I still have one at home with me!