Saturday, October 06, 2007

Rectangle CD's

Thomas is wanting to sing with the karaoke machine today. He asked Ray C. for a CD to play in it, and Ray C. told him to go get one out of Chase's CD player. Thomas said, "No, daddy. Chase's CD's are round. We need a rectangle CD." (That would be a tape - you know the old fashioned things we used before the round CD's were invented!) I love the things that come out of their mouths.

I really enjoy conversations with them because there are so many things that they just cannot comprehend. Like high school. They have no clue what that means. We tell them teenagers go to high school. So, they say, "well when I grow up I want to be a teenager." They just don't understand the order of things. I love it! What a big job we have ahead of us - to put things into proper perspective for their growing minds. One thing we're working on is the law against marrying relatives. You just can't marry your brother. It is so sweet right now, but you will be really grossed out in a few years!

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