Finally, after 2 years of fire ant venom shots, Thomas has been cleared!!! Apparently, his "mild" reaction to 22 fire ant bites a few weeks ago was his "graduation ceremony" from the shots! We will just keep a close eye on him!!
Hooray!! He doesn't get poked anymore and we don't have to fork out $30-60 or more a month!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Astros Up Close
We had the opportunity to hang out with some former Astros players on Sunday at the game. We got tickets to sit in the private suite that the alumni were hanging out in. It was really neat to talk with some of them.

Thomas has a ball covered with autographs from former players including Larry Dierker whose jersey is even retired with the Astros and who also happens to be a member of our church and the reason we were there anyway! :)

Larry was asked to give an inspirational speech after the game and to introduce the Christian band, Mercy Me, for a concert. So, we got to walk out on the field with him and hang out in the dugout for a little while.

How cool is that??? Of course, the dugout was nasty with sunflower seeds, drink cups, and spit everywhere, but we were excited to be down there! (That's Larry's wife, Judy, sitting with us.)

The supply box in the dugout....plenty of tape, seeds, and gum!

He looks like a natural, huh?

Mercy Me walked right past us and down into the dugout with us just before going out to play.

I got my picture taken with one of my favorite baseball players while we were there! :)

Thomas has a ball covered with autographs from former players including Larry Dierker whose jersey is even retired with the Astros and who also happens to be a member of our church and the reason we were there anyway! :)

Larry was asked to give an inspirational speech after the game and to introduce the Christian band, Mercy Me, for a concert. So, we got to walk out on the field with him and hang out in the dugout for a little while.

How cool is that??? Of course, the dugout was nasty with sunflower seeds, drink cups, and spit everywhere, but we were excited to be down there! (That's Larry's wife, Judy, sitting with us.)

The supply box in the dugout....plenty of tape, seeds, and gum!

He looks like a natural, huh?

Mercy Me walked right past us and down into the dugout with us just before going out to play.

I got my picture taken with one of my favorite baseball players while we were there! :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
FRYday Celebration

We celebrated the pending purchase of the land for our new church last Friday. We called it FRYday since our land is on Fry Rd. and we call our campus the Fry Road Campus!
Anyway...We had a fun time tailgating, hanging out with friends from church and even walking out around the property!

It truly has been an amazing experience to walk out to the land with all of these faithful people and to remember what God has called us to! He is faithful!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Living my Dream
I've caught myself complaining a lot lately about carting kids around and doing daily chores, but I've started to remind myself that I am actually living my dream!
I have three precious children, a husband who adores me (faults and all), and I have the opportunity to be at home and take care of them (for now)! I really do enjoy cleaning the house, cooking, and making sure things are in order for the next item on the calendar! So, why do I complain? I don't know, but I've realized that Paul's words were not written to children. They were written to adults. "Do ALL things without arguing and complaining!" We use it a lot for the kids, but I need it more than they do! Maybe if I change my attitude, they will too!
So, I am working on it! When I get to the end of my life, all I want to look back and know is that I was a great mother, wife, and Christian. If I never get to travel the world or own a brand new vehicle, that will be okay with me. I'm not going to dream about bigger material things because I already have everything I WANT!
As I look to my future, I want my children to love the Lord with all of their hearts and to love His people the way He does. I want my husband to have all the support he needs at home so that he can serve God in the way he has been called. That's it! That's all God has given me at this point, but it's all I can handle! This is what He has called me to BE, and I am grateful!
I just wish it was as easy as it sounds. Maintaining the attitude of Christ is a daily struggle, but I'm working on it!
I have three precious children, a husband who adores me (faults and all), and I have the opportunity to be at home and take care of them (for now)! I really do enjoy cleaning the house, cooking, and making sure things are in order for the next item on the calendar! So, why do I complain? I don't know, but I've realized that Paul's words were not written to children. They were written to adults. "Do ALL things without arguing and complaining!" We use it a lot for the kids, but I need it more than they do! Maybe if I change my attitude, they will too!
So, I am working on it! When I get to the end of my life, all I want to look back and know is that I was a great mother, wife, and Christian. If I never get to travel the world or own a brand new vehicle, that will be okay with me. I'm not going to dream about bigger material things because I already have everything I WANT!
As I look to my future, I want my children to love the Lord with all of their hearts and to love His people the way He does. I want my husband to have all the support he needs at home so that he can serve God in the way he has been called. That's it! That's all God has given me at this point, but it's all I can handle! This is what He has called me to BE, and I am grateful!
I just wish it was as easy as it sounds. Maintaining the attitude of Christ is a daily struggle, but I'm working on it!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Go Vikings!
Chase had his first real football game last week. It was so confusing for all of us! There were two teams on one regular-sized football field, each with 40 yards! So, the boys attention was divided between their game, the other game, and oh so many cheerleaders!!
We were excited that Mrs. Susan came to see us. She dressed in purple and came bearing gifts! The kids had a blast (and lots of snacks)!
I think Chase was more excited about the cheerleaders than his actual game. This is our neighbor, Jillian. She and Chase were so excited to be on the same "team".

This isn't Chase, but I love how proud these boys are of the flags they just took!
Just the girls...

Monday, September 20, 2010
My Blog in Print
I finally printed my blog! I got my HUGE, 300+ page book last week, and we have had the best time reading through it! The kids like for me to read it to them at bedtime, and, of course, I am loving every minute of it! It has been so much fun to remember the funny things that have happened in the past four years.

More than anything, I am thankful that I have it all recorded. There are so many things I would have never remembered but that make me laugh so hard, I cry! Our life has truly been an adventure.

More than anything, I am thankful that I have it all recorded. There are so many things I would have never remembered but that make me laugh so hard, I cry! Our life has truly been an adventure.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Luke Sywalker of the Battle Hughes
Meet Chase's new pet....a Bearded Dragon!
We love Luke (which really is short for Luke Skywalker of the Battle Hughes)! "Beardies" are known for being content just sitting on your shoulder and hanging out. He did that at first, but since his last name is Hughes now, sitting is just not on the top of his agenda!
He'll sit for a little while, but he would rather crawl down your back and run around a little. So, we got him a leash - seriously! It is the funniest thing. You can't walk him like a dog, but you can put him down and make sure he doesn't run away! I'll post a picture sometime soon with him on the leash!
Wondering what he eats?...crickets, meal worms, collard greens, and carrots! Mmmm...aren't you hungry now?
And he sleeps in his desert aquarium in Chase's room as content as a little lizard can be!!
We love Luke (which really is short for Luke Skywalker of the Battle Hughes)! "Beardies" are known for being content just sitting on your shoulder and hanging out. He did that at first, but since his last name is Hughes now, sitting is just not on the top of his agenda!

Wondering what he eats?...crickets, meal worms, collard greens, and carrots! Mmmm...aren't you hungry now?
And he sleeps in his desert aquarium in Chase's room as content as a little lizard can be!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Legos Galore
Thomas is REALLY into Legos right now! He was so excited to be able to buy this Toy Story 3 Lego train with some gift cards he got for his birthday! Now that he's older, he wants more expensive things. So, it took a few of us pitching in to contribute enough to get it for him!
Anyway...we had the best time building it. Mary Frances and I helped with the caboose (which we started with),
but Thomas finished the rest of the train on his own.
It took hours broken up over two days, but he finally finished it and has been playing with it since!

Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
So school is in full swing. Thomas is anxious to get his homework done each day and move on to better things. Mary Frances is so excited she has homework, and Chase can't wait to get to kindergarten to get homework!
Thomas is doing GREAT reading and continues to do well in math. This year, he also has social studies homework and QUIZZES!! Silly as it may sound, I can't believe he's old enough for quizzes. We actually have to study spelling and social studies! I'm nervous when I know he has a quiz coming up, but he's making all A's so far - his first year with true grades!!
Mary Frances just had her first night of math homework. Of course it took all of 2 minutes, but she was so excited! She also brought home her first reading book of the year. We had such a hard time reading last year that I was DREADING the book, but she did GREAT!! I couldn't believe how much she had improved!
My kids are growing up! I know that's the whole point of what I'm doing. So, why am I so surprised?
Thank you, God, for growing children. Thank you for the opportunity to mold these precious little people into someone you can use for your kingdom!
Thomas is doing GREAT reading and continues to do well in math. This year, he also has social studies homework and QUIZZES!! Silly as it may sound, I can't believe he's old enough for quizzes. We actually have to study spelling and social studies! I'm nervous when I know he has a quiz coming up, but he's making all A's so far - his first year with true grades!!
Mary Frances just had her first night of math homework. Of course it took all of 2 minutes, but she was so excited! She also brought home her first reading book of the year. We had such a hard time reading last year that I was DREADING the book, but she did GREAT!! I couldn't believe how much she had improved!
My kids are growing up! I know that's the whole point of what I'm doing. So, why am I so surprised?
Thank you, God, for growing children. Thank you for the opportunity to mold these precious little people into someone you can use for your kingdom!
Thomas turns 8
Thomas asked for a baseball party this year! So, we reserved one of the fields we play on and had a pickup game with some cake and ice cream!
Chase enjoys some time up to bat!
Mary Frances was so excited to be included and have a chance to wear her softball gear!
Thomas & his school friend and teammate, Evan
Thomas with our neighbor, James
George is also a school friend and teammate
This was one of my easier cakes
We had such a fun time watching the dads play with the kids! I'm pretty sure they had fun, too!
I was thankful for Jessie coming for the weekend, too! She's going to start coming for all of the kids' birthdays! I'm so excited to know she'll be here!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Are you ready for some football?
Check out this season's newest flag football player...At 48 pounds, he stands just under 4 feet and has a mean face that will make you cry!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thomas & Mary Frances go to school
Thomas and Mary Frances were so excited to get back into school! We were all ready for a routine!
Mary Frances is in 1st grade this year, and Thomas is in 2nd! I can't believe it! I feel so old!

Look at my babies! They are ready for mommy & daddy to leave so they can do their thing!
Mary Frances with her fancy lunchbox from Honey!
Mrs. Mosley is Mary Frances' 1st grade teacher!

Monday, September 13, 2010
Mommy Dates
Before school started, I took each of the kids on a special date to spend time with them individually. We try to do it every once-in-a-while just to be sure everyone gets special time with us. Anyway, I just wanted to post a few pics of me with the kids since they are few and far between!
Thomas and I went to the Children's Museum in Houston and then out for ice cream at Baskin Robins! It was so much fun! The museum really is amazing, but I can only do it with one child at a time!
Chase wanted to get a build-a-bear. So, we went to the Galleria and picked out a special bear who also got a "Darth Vader" costume!
Mary Frances and I went to the movies to see "Despicable Me" and then to Chick-fil-A for an ice dream! Yummmmyyyy....
I had so much fun spending time with them and having time to talk with them without being interrupted!

I had so much fun spending time with them and having time to talk with them without being interrupted!
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