Sunday, September 19, 2010

Luke Sywalker of the Battle Hughes

Meet Chase's new pet....a Bearded Dragon!

We love Luke (which really is short for Luke Skywalker of the Battle Hughes)! "Beardies" are known for being content just sitting on your shoulder and hanging out. He did that at first, but since his last name is Hughes now, sitting is just not on the top of his agenda! He'll sit for a little while, but he would rather crawl down your back and run around a little. So, we got him a leash - seriously! It is the funniest thing. You can't walk him like a dog, but you can put him down and make sure he doesn't run away! I'll post a picture sometime soon with him on the leash!

Wondering what he eats?...crickets, meal worms, collard greens, and carrots! Mmmm...aren't you hungry now?

And he sleeps in his desert aquarium in Chase's room as content as a little lizard can be!!

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