Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Princess and Her King

Have you seen the commercial where the dad goes on a business trip and takes his little girl's doll with him? He takes pictures of all the different places he and the doll go. Well, Ray C. will be gone for Mary Frances' birthday. So, he asked Mary Frances if he could take one of her stuffed animals with him. She gave him a teddy bear named Melody (because it sings), and we have been receiving pictures from daddy and Melody since they left.

This picture is early Monday morning on the way to the airport. We also received one from the plane. It looks like Melody had her own seat! Our favorite so far was this morning - a picture of daddy and Melody in the bed. Melody was listening to daddy's ipod!

I keep thinking how funny it must be for the people watching Ray C. take the pictures! I'm sure he is being extremely discreet carrying around a teddy bear, but I love him so much for doing something so sweet for our little girl! What an awesome memory!

Mary Frances has been e-mailing responses to the pictures to him. This is her first one:

Dear King,
I miss you a lot. Make sure you have a good trip.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is just the sweetest thing to do for a little girl. i love her email to the king! even sweeter.