Sunday, July 06, 2008

My Baby

I sure do love this baby! I can't believe he is almost THREE! It has recently occurred to me - hold on to your seats for this one - that Chase is the exact same age as Thomas was when I had Chase!! That means Thomas was this same age when I also had an 18 month old and a newborn!! How did I survive? It was only by the grace of God, seriously!

I have told my mother several times that I knew I would never understand how I was going to make it through, and it is true! Although life with three little kids is still difficult and busy, nothing can compare to having three children under the age of 3 and ALL in diapers! You should have seen me buying diapers on sale!! I was a mad woman!

Anyway, I'd just like to say - I made it! Here are a few things I've learned to appreciate:

1. Chocolate ALWAYS calms my nerves.
2. Bed time (for the kids) is ALWAYS good!
3. Sleeping kids are very innocent and make you feel somewhat guilty for disciplining harshly - but only until the moment they wake up!
4. Sleeping through the night is AWESOME!
5. Preschool is such a relief!
6. How did mothers before me live without SUV grocery carts?
7. Continuous spray sunscreen might be the best summer-time invention ever!
8. Floaties and swimming lessons...
9. Powder fresh diapers :)
10. The unconditional love I receive from my sweet babies every single day!! Thank you God for my blessings! May everyone who desires know they same love!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Chase is about to be 4??