Over the last several months, I have witnessed an incredible expression of love mixed with unimaginable heartbreak. I met Christy in the spring at our first tball game. Her son, Cooper, was on the same team as Thomas. After a few games, Christy told me she was pregnant with her fourth child. She has 2 preschool boys and a teenage daughter. So, this baby was a surprise, but she was excited. As we began to develop our friendship - mostly at tball games and the neighborhood pool, I realized what a wonderful mother she is and how well she relates to her children. But we had no idea what she was about to face.
When she went in for her mid-pregnancy ultrasound, she and Ken found out they were having a boy, whom the family named Zachary. They were all really excited about adding this new precious little life to their family, but soon after the doctor hit them with the devastating news that Zachary had Trisomy 18.
You might be familiar with Trisomy 21 (AKA: Downs Syndrome). Trisomy 21 means there are 3 chromosomes in the 21st "position" where there should be only 2. Similarly, Trisomy 18 means there are 3 chromosomes in the 18th "position" where there should be only 2.
Trisomy 18 is also called Edwards syndrome (or Edward's syndrome) and occurs in about 1:3000 live births. Unlike Down syndrome, Trisomy 18 is usually fatal, with most of the babies dying before birth and those who do make it to birth typically living only a few days. However, a small number of babies (<10%) live at least one year.
This hit me hard because we had been told that Chase might have Trisomy 18. When I was pregnant with Chase, we received a letter in the mail telling us that there was something wrong with the baby and we needed to see a specialist. After a 3D ultrasound, the specialist told us he did not think Chase had it, but he could not be sure. So, although we were cleared, I did have a glimpse of what she might even be thinking, and it was unbearable!
Zachary had very many physical problems that were noticeable even to Ken and Christy on the ultrasound, and not long after their discovery, they lost him. It has been a very difficult process for their family to grieve, but I have been amazed at how Christy has handled it.
They have worked very hard at remembering him and making sure that their younger boys can stay connected to this baby they never got to see. One of the things that has touched me the most is how giving Christy has been.
We were at her house several weeks ago, and when she opened her refrigerator, I noticed a breast pump. I didn't say anything right away but couldn't help but be puzzled as to why she would have a breast pump 2 months after losing the baby.
Just as I was about to ask, Christy told me that about 20% of women who lose their babies during pregnancy still get their milk. She happened to be one of those women, and has been very blessed with an abundance of milk. So, when she stumbled across the website for the National Milk Bank, she knew exactly what she wanted to do to remember little Zachary.
In the last 3 months, Christy has pumped 180 (4-6 oz.) bags of breast milk that have been shipped off to the National Milk Bank and given to premature and critically-ill babies!! Isn't that phenomenal? It has been incredibly therapeutic for her. She didn't just sit down and have a pity party (even though she was certainly entitled to it). She found a way to make sure that her baby could make a difference in this world! Her hurt turned into someone else's gain!
I am so impressed with her spirit of giving and her determination to turn her situation into good. Please keep her in your prayers as she continues to grieve her loss.
By the way, I have wanted to write this blog so many times as I have struggled with so many emotions in empathy for her. Christy wants to get her story out so that other people can find the same therapy that she has found in it. So, she has given me permission to write her story.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Lemonade Stand
The kids ran a very successful lemonade and cookie "stand" on Saturday! They made $16 in one hour to go toward our Compassion kids! We have been talking about how we have so much and how we can help other people. So, with a little guiding, this was one of the ideas of how we could help! The money will go toward a special gift for the families of our Compassion kids so they can buy needed supplies - like cooking equipment, mattresses, etc. And, although the kids won't get to see the gift being given, the kids always write to tell us what they got with the money!
Thomas was quite the salesman - always trying to sell more and not understanding why EVERYONE didn't stop!
Mary Frances enjoyed holding the sign and pouring the drinks! The kids helped make the signs. They made the cookies and bagged them! (I lost count on how many times I made them go back to wash their hands!) They stirred the lemonade and were in charge of serving each customer! It was a lot of work for me, too, but they really did a lot of work.
Chase enjoyed drinking the lemonade and eating the cookies! He also beat the other two to almost every customer! By the time Thomas and Mary Frances finished arguing over who was going to get the ice and the lemonade, Chase had already poured it and given it to the customer!! Of course, we had to keep tabs on him to be sure he was not giving away a cup he had been drinking from!! (It did not happen!!)
What a fun first business! I think we'll make this a monthly event!

How Can we Get to Heaven
Chase and I were talking about Grandmary the other day, and he wanted to know where she lived. I explained that she lives in heaven with God. He said, "Oh, in the rainbow!" I said, "No, she lives in heaven, but rainbows are in heaven."
So, then he wanted to know how we could get there. I told him we couldn't go until we died, but that just wasn't good enough for him. He suggested a rocket or a plane, but his best suggestion was, "Hey, I know. We can just blue ska-doo!"
Now, I realize that isn't really funny if you don't watch Blues Clues, but it was a great suggestion! (Blue and Joe can jump into a picture or story book by saying "Blue Ska-Doo".)
Our conversation reminded me of one I had with Thomas and Mary Frances not long after Grandmary died. (For those who don't know, Grandmary is Ray C.'s mom.)
Thomas wanted to invite Grandmary to his birthday party. Despite my explanations, he was determined to get an invitation to her. He suggested we get a ladder and climb as high as we could so we could hand it to her, and if that didn't work, we could just jump really high!!
I just love to hear the way their minds think.
So, then he wanted to know how we could get there. I told him we couldn't go until we died, but that just wasn't good enough for him. He suggested a rocket or a plane, but his best suggestion was, "Hey, I know. We can just blue ska-doo!"
Now, I realize that isn't really funny if you don't watch Blues Clues, but it was a great suggestion! (Blue and Joe can jump into a picture or story book by saying "Blue Ska-Doo".)
Our conversation reminded me of one I had with Thomas and Mary Frances not long after Grandmary died. (For those who don't know, Grandmary is Ray C.'s mom.)
Thomas wanted to invite Grandmary to his birthday party. Despite my explanations, he was determined to get an invitation to her. He suggested we get a ladder and climb as high as we could so we could hand it to her, and if that didn't work, we could just jump really high!!
I just love to hear the way their minds think.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Meet Jorge

Jorge lives on the plains of Cantón Mi Tierra Zunilito, Suchitepequez, home to approximately 2,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, brick walls and tin roofs. The primary ethnic group is Mayan and the most commonly spoken language is Quiche and Spanish.
The regional diet consists of maize, beans, bananas, chicken, guinea pig, fish, bread, cassava, beef, plantains, rice and potatoes. Common health problems in this area include intestinal illnesses and respiratory infections. Most adults work as day laborers or animal herders and earn the equivalent of $113 per month. (This is actually a lot compared to any of the other villages.) This community has electricity, water and drainage but needs computer, English and music education and permanent employment opportunities.
Our sponsorship allows the staff of Jesús Salva Student Center to provide Jorge with Bible teaching, sports, birthday celebrations, cultural activities and tutoring. The center staff will also provide educational conferences for the parents or guardians of Jorge.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Soccer Season
Mary Frances has been waiting for 2 years to play soccer - since Thomas played in Florida! She is so excited.
She was preoccupied at practice, but she did great in the game.
Of course, Chase had a blast, too! He was so excited that he had his own uniform. I love this picture for many reasons but mainly because he has his tongue sticking out just like his daddy!! I've always joked with Ray C. that he can't accomplish anything without his tongue sticking out!
My three soccer players.
...and their coach!
Well, having a 3 year old on a 4 year old team can be difficult! Chase did great when he was playing, but he got very upset when he fell down!
Check out Mary Frances running for the ball. (She's the only one with colored shorts on!) She did great chasing the ball and kicking it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hole-y Cow
The boys found a new use for fondue forks this morning!!! While I was trying to order some books online, they decided to punch holes ALL in my living room furniture INCLUDING my beautiful LEATHER wing-back chair!!! Words cannot explain how I feel. It isn't noticeable (even to me) on the flowery sofa, and it doesn't matter on the OLD chair and a half that is already destroyed, but I am upset about my leather chair. There just isn't anything else to be said about it!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Candlelight Service
We held 2 services at our Jones Rd. campus this morning. Both were without electricity. The church took on a significant amount of water damage. I took pictures all morning. There were too many to post here. So, I created another blog just for them. You can view them at
It was definitely not a normal Sunday, but it was so amazing to see people working so hard!
It was definitely not a normal Sunday, but it was so amazing to see people working so hard!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Take a Hike, Ike
We made it!! We just got electricity about 20 minutes ago. (The last blog was scheduled last night.) We had it very easy. The kids and I slept in the closet in case it got worse.
On our side we barely had any lightning and I don't think any thunder - just a lot of wind. I don't think we got more than tropical storm force winds here. Our street fared well. No trees or fences down. Other people in the neighborhood lost fences, trees, and someone even lost their chimney!!
Our church did experience some leaks in the chapel and balcony. I'm not sure how severe at this point, but I know they were mopping up this morning!
Of course, in town, there was much damage, and I haven't even seen Galveston yet.
We are so grateful to have made it through without any problems. We will clean up today and get ready to help those who experienced damages in the area.
Ray C. has already been out this afternoon looking around and scoping out the area.
We have canceled church services at the movie theatre tomorrow. The Jones Rd. campus will have only 3 services. The first service will send out any volunteers wanting to help. I'm so glad to be involved in a ministry that is focused on the community!
On our side we barely had any lightning and I don't think any thunder - just a lot of wind. I don't think we got more than tropical storm force winds here. Our street fared well. No trees or fences down. Other people in the neighborhood lost fences, trees, and someone even lost their chimney!!
Our church did experience some leaks in the chapel and balcony. I'm not sure how severe at this point, but I know they were mopping up this morning!
Of course, in town, there was much damage, and I haven't even seen Galveston yet.
We are so grateful to have made it through without any problems. We will clean up today and get ready to help those who experienced damages in the area.
Ray C. has already been out this afternoon looking around and scoping out the area.
We have canceled church services at the movie theatre tomorrow. The Jones Rd. campus will have only 3 services. The first service will send out any volunteers wanting to help. I'm so glad to be involved in a ministry that is focused on the community!
Mama and Daddy

I had so much fun visiting with my parents this past weekend! We loved having them in town! They met almost all of our Life Group which was very special for us! It gave them a chance to see how well we are doing out here, so far away!

I could search the world over and NEVER find 2 better parents for me!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hurricane Preparation
The curfew is now in effect, and we have taken care of the important things.
1. The tubs are full of water in case the water gets cut off. (This is used for cooking, cleaning, flushing the toilet, etc.)
2. The clothes and dishes are all washed so we don't have to smell any dirty stuff while the electricity is out.
3. The toilets are clean - just a good time to get it done! :)
4. The milkshakes are made (good use of ice cream that will melt). The milkshakes will melt too, but we can eat them half way through the melting process while we're sweating to death from the loss of AC.
5. The AC has been turned down to 65 to get it as cold as possible before it turns off.
6. Noodles and rice are made for easy things to eat - just a nice thought I had!
7. We've all had a bath with hot water.
8. The closet is cleaned out and vacuumed for a good night's sleep!
9. The yard is cleaned up so nothing flies away into the neighbor's window.
10. And, the trampoline has been flipped so it doesn't fly away!
So, its supposed to be here in a matter of hours and it STILL isn't raining!!!!
1. The tubs are full of water in case the water gets cut off. (This is used for cooking, cleaning, flushing the toilet, etc.)
2. The clothes and dishes are all washed so we don't have to smell any dirty stuff while the electricity is out.
3. The toilets are clean - just a good time to get it done! :)
4. The milkshakes are made (good use of ice cream that will melt). The milkshakes will melt too, but we can eat them half way through the melting process while we're sweating to death from the loss of AC.
5. The AC has been turned down to 65 to get it as cold as possible before it turns off.
6. Noodles and rice are made for easy things to eat - just a nice thought I had!
7. We've all had a bath with hot water.
8. The closet is cleaned out and vacuumed for a good night's sleep!
9. The yard is cleaned up so nothing flies away into the neighbor's window.
10. And, the trampoline has been flipped so it doesn't fly away!
So, its supposed to be here in a matter of hours and it STILL isn't raining!!!!
Thomas' 6th Birthday
We celebrated Thomas' birthday at the Cypress Academy of Gymnastics! We had a blast. What a fun party! The kids get to use the equipment, run out all of their energy, and the adults can spend time with each other.
Imagine our surprise when we realized who was sitting in the corner watching her daughter practice......Mary Lou Retton!! Only one of the little girls went over to her. This is her signature on Heather's leotard.
The party was so much fun because we were able to celebrate with most of our closest friends here!
And, of course, I enjoyed making the cake again! I love making the children's cake each year. It is so much fun to pick out what they want and create it. I always love getting to the end and seeing that it really does look the way I intended it to look!!

Hunker Down
Houston is shut down and waiting for Hurricane Ike to arrive later tonight. We're all ready for the Hurricane Party - prepped with canned goods, charcoal (and lighter fluid), queso and chips, and even a birthday cake for our friend, Heather, who is riding out the storm with us.
For those concerned (MAMA), the officials have asked that anyone not under mandatory evacuation please stay in their homes throughout the storm giving road space to those who were required to leave their homes. We weren't planning to leave anyway, but that should be some reassurance!
You might also be interested to know that Houston is HUGE and we are on the north side! So, just because the news says something happened in Houston doesn't mean it happened to us!
We are fine and ready for the storm. I expect the electricity to go out at some point, but I'm hoping it isn't out long!
Please pray for all those being affected by the storm.
For those concerned (MAMA), the officials have asked that anyone not under mandatory evacuation please stay in their homes throughout the storm giving road space to those who were required to leave their homes. We weren't planning to leave anyway, but that should be some reassurance!
You might also be interested to know that Houston is HUGE and we are on the north side! So, just because the news says something happened in Houston doesn't mean it happened to us!
We are fine and ready for the storm. I expect the electricity to go out at some point, but I'm hoping it isn't out long!
Please pray for all those being affected by the storm.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Our Family Portrait

We had our family portraits done in Bridgeland in June. Kian Adkins of Elegant Portraits came out to the neighborhood and did an excellent job with everyone! We are so pleased with what we got! This picture is hanging up in our living room. I love looking at my sweet, handsome family (after they all go to bed)!! :)
If you are in the area and interested in having portraits done, check out Kian's website at!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Time Out
One of today's after-school conversations:
Me: Did you have a good day?
Chase: Yes.
Me: Did you cry?
Chase: No.
Me: Did you miss me?
Chase: Yes. I cry for you.
Me: I thought you said you didn't cry.
Chase: I did.
Me: Were you nice to your friends?
Chase: Yes.
Me: You didn't get timeout today did you?
Chase: No. I punch somebody in da face, but I not get timeout!
Me: OKAY!!
...Conversation shift!
Me: Did you have a good day?
Chase: Yes.
Me: Did you cry?
Chase: No.
Me: Did you miss me?
Chase: Yes. I cry for you.
Me: I thought you said you didn't cry.
Chase: I did.
Me: Were you nice to your friends?
Chase: Yes.
Me: You didn't get timeout today did you?
Chase: No. I punch somebody in da face, but I not get timeout!
Me: OKAY!!
...Conversation shift!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Lessons from the ER
Unfortunately, we visited the ER Monday! Mary Frances was so sick when I picked her up from school. She kept falling asleep and moaning while she was sleeping from the pain in her stomach. She had a high fever and was vomiting. Of course, as usual for us, we waited 4 hours to be seen by the doctor. They did give her some Tylenol AND Motrin as soon as we arrived which made her much more comfortable. She slept most of the time in the waiting room.
They drew blood, took an xray of her chest, pushed on her tummy, and listened to everything. The doctors and nurses were very sweet to her. They tried giving her an IV, but it wouldn't stick because she was moving so much.
Throughout the experience she (and those of us with her) learned a lot about her body:
1. She believes her blood is pink, and the staff confirmed that for her. She didn't actually see it.
2. Her heart is not shaped like a "heart." This was very "disheartening" to her. :)
3. Her skeleton is very interesting to look at.
4. Breathing treatments don't hurt - especially when the only other option is ANOTHER shot!
5. Her insides are "all the different colors".
She was diagnosed with slight pneumonia and allowed to leave for the night (at 11:30). She is doing great today - on an antibiotic and breathing treatments a few times a day. She'll probably go back to school tomorrow.
Oh, and she was very excited to ride in a wheelchair! It's amazing how little things are so exciting to them!
They drew blood, took an xray of her chest, pushed on her tummy, and listened to everything. The doctors and nurses were very sweet to her. They tried giving her an IV, but it wouldn't stick because she was moving so much.
Throughout the experience she (and those of us with her) learned a lot about her body:
1. She believes her blood is pink, and the staff confirmed that for her. She didn't actually see it.
2. Her heart is not shaped like a "heart." This was very "disheartening" to her. :)
3. Her skeleton is very interesting to look at.
4. Breathing treatments don't hurt - especially when the only other option is ANOTHER shot!
5. Her insides are "all the different colors".
She was diagnosed with slight pneumonia and allowed to leave for the night (at 11:30). She is doing great today - on an antibiotic and breathing treatments a few times a day. She'll probably go back to school tomorrow.
Oh, and she was very excited to ride in a wheelchair! It's amazing how little things are so exciting to them!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Weight Watchers Donates
I started Weight Watchers in the Spring to finish losing my baby weight (and some other weight I had accumulated before). Anyhow... I got to within 3 pounds of my goal and was comfortable with the way I felt. So, I didn't go back. I've gained a few pounds back. So, I started back yesterday to lose the last 6 pounds! I'm very anxious to be done with the whole thing.
I was so excited to hear the Weight Watchers is launching a new campaign this week that will last 6 weeks! Did you know there are 1.1 billion underfed people in the world? I wasn't surprised by that number, but I was surprised to learn there are ALSO 1.1 billion overweight people! Kinda makes you think, huh?
So for the next 6 weeks, Weight Watchers will donate 1 pound of food for every pound that is lost and logged in at Weight Watchers meetings across the country up to 1 million dollars! I am so excited about this. I'm excited that Weight Watchers has teamed up to do it, and I'm excited that something I am doing to improve my health is also helping other people.
So, if you've been meaning to lose some weight, now is the time to join Weight Watchers!
I was so excited to hear the Weight Watchers is launching a new campaign this week that will last 6 weeks! Did you know there are 1.1 billion underfed people in the world? I wasn't surprised by that number, but I was surprised to learn there are ALSO 1.1 billion overweight people! Kinda makes you think, huh?
So for the next 6 weeks, Weight Watchers will donate 1 pound of food for every pound that is lost and logged in at Weight Watchers meetings across the country up to 1 million dollars! I am so excited about this. I'm excited that Weight Watchers has teamed up to do it, and I'm excited that something I am doing to improve my health is also helping other people.
So, if you've been meaning to lose some weight, now is the time to join Weight Watchers!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Your Name is Mary Frances!
Mary Frances and I are having a little disagreement that is frustrating to us both! Unfortunately for her, I am VERY stubborn, and I WILL win!! We named her Mary Frances after her grandmother (Mary) and her great-grandmother (Frances). Both of these ladies were amazing ladies - wonderful people to be named after.
But for some reason, little miss has decided that her name is Mary and Frances is just her middle name. I have known several people who changed their names as children and I knew this might come up some day, but I like her name the way it is. Her name is special. It isn't just a random name we picked out of a hat.
If Chase decided he wanted to be Jackson (his middle name), I'd be all for it. We just picked his name because we liked it. But I don't want "Frances" to be forgotten.
So, I informed her teachers this morning that we will be sticking with "Mary Frances" no matter how much she fights it. If I give up now, it's done. She is only FOUR and I'm a lot older!
So, I would appreciate any help you can give me.. Ideas on how to convince her AND especially lots of talk with her about how beautiful and special her name is!!
This is probably going to be a long fight, but I am determined to WIN!!!
But for some reason, little miss has decided that her name is Mary and Frances is just her middle name. I have known several people who changed their names as children and I knew this might come up some day, but I like her name the way it is. Her name is special. It isn't just a random name we picked out of a hat.
If Chase decided he wanted to be Jackson (his middle name), I'd be all for it. We just picked his name because we liked it. But I don't want "Frances" to be forgotten.
So, I informed her teachers this morning that we will be sticking with "Mary Frances" no matter how much she fights it. If I give up now, it's done. She is only FOUR and I'm a lot older!
So, I would appreciate any help you can give me.. Ideas on how to convince her AND especially lots of talk with her about how beautiful and special her name is!!
This is probably going to be a long fight, but I am determined to WIN!!!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Did I really do that?
I am feeling like a really rotten mom! I think I just missed Mary Frances' first day of school - like she didn't go!! Honestly, I'm still not positive. I know that tomorrow is Chase's first day (and it will be Mary Frances' now), but I just realized that her calendar says today is her first day!
Chase is only going Mon, Wed, and Fri, but Mary Frances is going Mon thru Thursday. Again, I'm feeling really rotten. How horrible to miss the FUN first day of school!
I don't even know what to say...
Chase is only going Mon, Wed, and Fri, but Mary Frances is going Mon thru Thursday. Again, I'm feeling really rotten. How horrible to miss the FUN first day of school!
I don't even know what to say...
Monday, September 01, 2008
Doing Life Together
This is what life is all about...doing life together! If you have talked to me for any length of time in the last several months, you have most definitely heard me speak of my Life Group! These are my closest friends - the group of people I have come to trust. Life Group is our name for Bible Study because it is so much more!! We had the opportunity to spend Sunday and Monday with all but two members of our Life Group! We went to the Murrill's ranch a little over an hour from Houston! It was a blast! I hope you enjoy the pics!!
Andrew, Thomas, Heather, and Kasen
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

Heather, Erika, and Chase
To My Life Group:
I love you guys more than words can really express. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I enjoy every conversation we have even if it comes between filling sippy cups and kissing boo-boos! I am looking forward to doing life together as long as God will allow it!
Here's to Jesus Cheese!!

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

To My Life Group:
I love you guys more than words can really express. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I enjoy every conversation we have even if it comes between filling sippy cups and kissing boo-boos! I am looking forward to doing life together as long as God will allow it!
Here's to Jesus Cheese!!
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