Monday, September 01, 2008

Doing Life Together

Andrew's fish
Jackson's fish
Kaleb's fish

This is what life is all about...doing life together! If you have talked to me for any length of time in the last several months, you have most definitely heard me speak of my Life Group! These are my closest friends - the group of people I have come to trust. Life Group is our name for Bible Study because it is so much more!! We had the opportunity to spend Sunday and Monday with all but two members of our Life Group! We went to the Murrill's ranch a little over an hour from Houston! It was a blast! I hope you enjoy the pics!!

Playin' at the pool

Andrew, Thomas, Heather, and Kasen

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend w
ho sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

Jennifer and Holly
Ray C. and Chase enjoying the pasture this morning.
The main house
The McLean family (and Jackson)
Mary Frances (with daddy) catches a fish..Jennifer and Cassidy

a ride on the mule around the farm
"our" new baby
(He's really Holly and Keith's, but we like to take turns passing him around.)
the Ginaven's
Heather, Carter, and Jill
Michael and Cole
Keith and Michael
Brad and Shad :)
Heather, Erika, and Chase

To My Life Group:

I love you guys more than words can really express. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I enjoy every conversation we have even if it comes between filling sippy cups and kissing boo-boos! I am looking forward to doing life together as long as God will allow it!

Here's to Jesus Cheese!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love it that you posted so many pictures. I'm sure it was a wonderful weekend. Brad's been holding out on us! I wanna visit! :) Love you!