Thursday, September 04, 2008

Your Name is Mary Frances!

Mary Frances and I are having a little disagreement that is frustrating to us both! Unfortunately for her, I am VERY stubborn, and I WILL win!! We named her Mary Frances after her grandmother (Mary) and her great-grandmother (Frances). Both of these ladies were amazing ladies - wonderful people to be named after.

But for some reason, little miss has decided that her name is Mary and Frances is just her middle name. I have known several people who changed their names as children and I knew this might come up some day, but I like her name the way it is. Her name is special. It isn't just a random name we picked out of a hat.

If Chase decided he wanted to be Jackson (his middle name), I'd be all for it. We just picked his name because we liked it. But I don't want "Frances" to be forgotten.

So, I informed her teachers this morning that we will be sticking with "Mary Frances" no matter how much she fights it. If I give up now, it's done. She is only FOUR and I'm a lot older!

So, I would appreciate any help you can give me.. Ideas on how to convince her AND especially lots of talk with her about how beautiful and special her name is!!

This is probably going to be a long fight, but I am determined to WIN!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh Lordy...I still think "Hank" everytime I see John Cable. Of course we will help you with this! I'm sure Honey and Mary Frances will have a "Heart-to-heart" this week...don't mess with Honey! She'll tell you how it is!