Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Muffled Plunger

You know that sound you make when you talk into a cup? It's like a muffled yell, right? Well, I bet you didn't know that a plunger makes the same noise when you talk into the bottom of it! I do. Thomas demonstrated today just after I finished plunging with it!! I know you all probably don't believe all these crazy things happen to us, but we are definitely a house full of adventurous personalities. Thankfully, the plunger has not been used in the toilet in several weeks (to my knowledge) and I had just used it in the bathtub which was clogged with toilet paper! (Okay, now I'm telling just how crazy we are. I didn't even realize how funny it was until I just wrote it out. Just don't ask how the toilet paper got in there!! I honestly don't know!) So, I figure the bad germs were probably dead after sitting on the bathroom floor for weeks, and I just washed them off in the somewhat clean bathtub water, right!?! I prayed afterward that he doesn't get sick. What else can I do? Could you say a prayer for me?

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