Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Are You a Grupster?

Have you heard of grupsters yet? I just heard a report on the Today Show this morning. I couldn't hear it all due to the noise in my house. What I understand is that they are parents trying to maintain their own personalities and life with their kids. The main thing seemed to be that they were trying to not get lost in their children. Now, there may be more to this, but this sounds great to me. Parenting is wonderful, but I believe one of the best things I can do for my children is to maintain my interests and to continue to be me. I'm a better parent that way. I can't have my whole life wrapped up in them. I know many parents do, including many Christian parents, but I don't believe that God has only called me to be a parent. He has also called me to a pastor's wife, and that carries a lot of responsibility. He has given me an opportunity to make a difference in the world with the three children he has blessed me with, but He has also called me to minister to others. I have seen a lot of wonderful people lose themselves during the parenting years, and I don't want to be like that. I spend almost every minute with my children right now, but I try to go out with friends, date my husband regularly, and be creative as often as possible. Otherwise I would go insane, and then what good would I be for my children. I want them to see me reading, loving my husband, and enjoying the gifts God has given me.

Back to the grupsters - apparently, the law is no Barney or Wiggles (love it)! They wear clothes that are in style, not the only shirt without spitup on it and tapered jeans from ten years ago. They maintain their style - who they are. They have even started afternoon clubs in night clubs for the kids. It's an opportunity for the parents to share music with their children. It's kids music designed after pop and hip-hop!

So, what do you think? Are you a grupster? I can't say yet because I don't know enough, but what I've heard sounds good!

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