Saturday, May 05, 2007


My name is Jacqueline, and I am a Sweets-aholic. They make me feel so good when I am stressed. I know everyone eats for different reasons - comfort, taste, stress... Some people eat just when they are hungry. Imagine that!

I have come to understand that food is not supposed to be to fulfill any need other than actual hunger. But that is just not what we are taught - no offense to my parents because we ALL do it. I mean, what do you do when you get a raise - celebrate at your favorite restaurant. What do you do for your birthday - eat cake and ice cream. How about prom - fancy food and breakfast at 4:00 in the morning! What about if you lose 2-3 pounds your first week of dieting? What do you want? A big hunk of cheesecake because you resisted it every night, right!?!

So, here's the deal. God made healthy food for us to fuel our bodies - not to recreationally eat. We messed it up with man-made stuff like butter, cheese, mayonnaise, and ranch dressing. It all tastes good, but that isn't the way God made it, and it isn't good for us. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's sinful to doctor your food, but it is sinful to eat for fun. We are ruining our bodies and minds.

I knew I had a problem the day I was hiding in the laundry room eating hands-full of M&M's because I was stressed out with the children. Ray C. knew I had a problem the other day when we came home from the grocery store with all three kids - that was our mistake!! We stopped at the convenience store on the way home for something I forgot, and I sneaked a tube of cookie dough in my bag without him knowing. When we got home, I was shaking from stress. I could hardly get the end off of the bag open. I grabbed a knife as quickly as possible and tore through the bag. Ray C. came over and said, "Jacqueline, that is not going to help." I replied, "Oh yes it is!" I couldn't wait to get it in my mouth. He said, "That's not any different than an alcoholic." And again, I replied, "I know, but I need it right now!" As soon as I got that dough in my mouth, the shakes stopped and my whole body felt calm. Isn't that horrible?

So, how do I overcome this addiction? I can't do it without my God! He is so good, and He will deliver me from this problem. Only God can truly satisfy my need. Only He can comfort me when I am stressed. I've been memorizing verses like Psalm 121 - "My eyes look up to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth!" and "In this world you will face many troubles, but take heart, I have overcome the world." (I can't remember the reference, but I'll edit when I get home!) I pray for help, and I try to reduce my stress, but without God I cannot survive!

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ!

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