Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Which one would you choose?

Tonight at dinner Mary Frances asked, "Mommy, if you could only have one baby, which one would you choose?" I looked at her and said, "Are you serious?"

She really was, and I quickly informed her that I could never choose between them and that if I were to choose that I would have missed out on all the blessings that God has given to me through each of them.

So,to make this easier for her to understand, I said, "That's like if I asked you to choose between mommy and daddy!"

I cautiously asked her who she would choose, knowing that she probably would choose one, and she said "Daddy"! Can you believe that? Little stinker. Then Chase, who was sitting beside me looked up at me with a mouth full of french fries and said, "I choose you!" It makes me want to cry thinking about it!

Of course, my feelings are not hurt because I understand enough about her developmental stage and mind to know it is nothing against me, but I still can't believe she actually thought I would answer that. Can you imagine how much damage would have been done if I had even jokingly chosen one?

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