Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Mary Frances woke me up in the middle of the night because her nose was running! So, as I went to get her a tissue, she met me in the hallway and said, "I know what tardy means!" Half-asleep, I said, "What?" She repeated, "I know what tardy means."

"Oh," I replied, "what does it mean?"

"It means you're late." Then she got back in the bed and went to sleep.

Of course, I walked right downstairs and made a note on my calendar to blog this morning as it reminded me of one of my mom's favorite stories from my childhood.

I came home from first grade one day and announced that I had a boyfriend. When my mom asked about him, I said, "Well, sometimes he's retarded and sometimes he's not."

Of course my mother was a little concerned and couldn't quite figure out how that would be possible. So, after a while - I believe at a parent/teacher conference - my teacher explained to my parents that my boyfriend, Chip, was sometimes late to school - TARDY - not retarded!!

So, my family has been laughing ever since!

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