Daddy, Evan, and Ray C. working at the church. We were helping build a church that was destroyed in Hurricane Stan in 2005. We weren't able to do as much work as we would have liked, but we were a help to the people there. Everything must be done by hand. Here, the guys are digging a huge hole for the bathrooms. The job could have been done in 30 minutes by a machine, but they are hard to come by and very expensive. So, they got less than half done in 3-4 hours with about 5-6 men working on it! WOW!! Construction is different in Guatemala. Just ask the two experts we took with us!

Uno.Dos.Tres.....ARIBA!!!!!!!We brought this parachute last year. The kids love it. It is so bright and colorful and attracts a lot of kids to Bible school each day. We go under it, bounce balls, and shake until our arms hurt! They love it!

The village children in
Chuacrus were so proud of their tissue paper flowers. The children are always proud of the art work. They will always bring up their work when they are finished for us to see. It is so sweet. They will very accurately color one coloring sheet for 30 minutes. They are so artistic, too. And I believe that is because their minds have not been watered down by TV, video
games, and staying inside all day. They have to use their brains to do anything. There are no simple conveniences in their lives. And yet, they still SMILE!!

Hose Daniel, Jacqueline, and Ray C. -- Hose Daniel hung out with us most days in
Pana. He ate with us and sold us some of his "goods." He is a friend of Lloyd and Melanie's. His father left when he was very young, and he is his mother's only child. I believe he is 15. His mother had left for several weeks while we were there to sell her things. So, he was on his own. He told us he was renting a place, but I'm not sure where he was staying! He is a sweet guy, AND he loves the SEMINOLES!! He has been Americanized a little!!! But, when he saw Bill wearing a Gator hat, he went up to him ad playfully hit his hat and gave him a thumbs down! It was hilarious!

After a week and a half of Passport troubles, my daddy finally made it. He arrived on Saturday and was a wonderful part of our team! I was so glad he was able to make it. Leaving him here was hard for me. WORD OF ADVICE: If you plan to travel out of the country in the next year or 2, go ahead and get your passport now. The day after we left, they suspended the new law requiring passports for anyone
traveling by air to Mexico, Canada, the Bahamas etc. They were too busy and weren't getting people their passports in time for travel! Many thanks go out to Senator
Saxby Chambliss from Georgia and Representative Allen Boyd in north Florida! They made it happen!!
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