Saturday, June 16, 2007

Houston Bound

The moving truck pulled out around 4:00 yesterday, and I went to bed at 8:30! I've spent the day today cleaning. We went to the beach for the last time, and we tried to have a nice seafood dinner at an outdoor restaurant on the island, but it was too much for the exhausted children! So, we boxed it up and came home. It was frustrating, but it comes with having kids this young!

I can't believe we are really leaving tomorrow! I am excited, but I expect tomorrow to be an emotional day. It will be hard to leave this place. We will miss all the grandparents in the church. They have been good to us. But, we are looking forward to the children having friends, and rekindling relationships we never thought would be local again!

We are so excited about doing life with our friends from Seminary. God has been so good to us. The children are concerned about all their things. They just really don't get this whole thing, but they are looking forward to playing with their friends, going to school, having stairs inside our house (not outside), and leaving the sand spurs behind!

I still don't know where we are going when we get to Texas, but we'll be getting there on Monday or Tuesday. Our house will not be ready for another week or two, so we will have to stay somewhere else. Our things will stay on a truck trailer in Dallas until we are ready for them!! It will be an adventure!

Lord, thank you for the opportunity to live in such a beautiful place and enjoy nature in a different way than we have grown up! Thank you for calling us to ministry and providing for us along the way. Thank for our families who support us, and thank you for staying by our sides all along the way! Bless our ministry in Texas. Protect us from opposition. Show us where you are at work where you can use us. Work through us that our lives will make a difference in your world. You are good, and we love you!


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