Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We Made It!

Well, we made it to Houston! The kids are so confused, but they love it. Thomas and Mary Frances are going to camp at the church in the mornings this week. They love the church and were surprised at how big it was! They are enjoying making new friends.

Chase and I went to the new house today, and it is FABULOUS!! I can't believe it is mine. We are hoping to be in by the end of the month! We're just praying for an electric meter to arrive tomorrow so we don't get behind schedule!

The United driver agreed to hold our furniture on the truck until we need it next week. We just hope his supervisor doesn't tell him any different before we are ready to move!

I have no idea where I am. I can't even get to the house we're staying in! This place is so huge, but I love it! I am so excited to have an opportunity to make friends that I can have for a while. Everywhere else we've lived, I knew we would be moving, but I am hoping to be here for a long time.

I thought I'd leave you with a list of things we are thankful for in Texas and in our new environment:

1. stairs inside the house and not outside
2. lush grass and the ability to walk through it barefoot since there are no sandspurs. I feel like
a kid again running through the grass barefoot!!
3. a fenced-in backyard
4. children at church the same age as each of ours
5. young adults with interests like ours
6. Target
7. Wal-Mart
8. Kroger
9. Health food stores
10. GPS - although the purchase is a sensitive topic
11. a pool in our neighborhood
12. air conditioner
13. neighbors
14. stores with "SUV" carts for carting all 3 children

Well! I'm off to bed to study my new Houston map before falling to sleep. I'm the last one up and it's not even 10. Ray C. was asleep by 8:30. I would like to have been, but mom's don't often get that luxury. I am thankful for the sleep I get and for the nap I got today while my husband watched the kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Houston and to Foundry, Jacqueline! It was great meeting you today at gymnastics - you'll have to bring your clan over to play with my clan soon!