Monday, July 23, 2007

I Just Want Some Ice Cream.....

It's been a long day! I kept telling myself, "One more thing...then I'll have ice cream and watch tv!" Finally, I finished for the day, and I DON'T HAVE A SPOON!! Not one! How I am supposed to eat it? Check back later this week for MANY blogs to make up the for what I've missed while moving in! These are some of my ideas:

Chase's colors
I turned 30 last week...
Chase's 2nd birthday
and much more on moving week

Okay, I've gotta go empty some boxes and find a spoon before my ice cream melts!!

1 comment:

Brigitte said...

Your husband mentioned your blog the other day in church, and somehow, I actually found it.

I am thrilled that there is another stay at home mom at our church, and I look forward to meeting you eventually!

If you ever need a spoon, let me know. I tend to have the problem of having the spoon but no ice cream!

Have a blessed day!
Brigitte Schmidt