Monday, July 02, 2007

New Tricks

It doesn't take kids long to figure out the most fun way to do anything!!! All three kids have discovered how to "sled" down our stairs in a long box. They sit at the top, rock to get it started, then fly down the stairs while laughing hysterically. I've even seen them racing side-by-side! I love it!! They are perfectly safe, and they are having so much fun! I am so grateful for their imaginations and ability to have fun anywhere!

On a much more disgusting note, Chase has learned something I am ashamed to say my children do! Yesterday, I saw him picking his nose and then stick his finger in his mouth! It is true! And, the boy in him thought it was so funny that I was grossed out. So, he continued to do it to make me cringe while laughing so hard it made him start the hiccups!

To those of you not actively parenting small children, I apologize for the gross things I post, but this is a real part of my world. Yesterday it hit me, I have joined the ranks of moms whose children eat their boogers, and I am not so proud! BUT I am so happy to have my prissy little princess who only wears dresses now and my boys who do disgusting boy things. It's good to know they are regular kids! Thanks be to God!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YIKES! Nathan does the booger thing, too. I try to pretend like I don't notice and once I even asked him if he'd like boogers for snack time. Reverse psychology hasn't made a difference. :)