Sunday, July 08, 2007

Oh....So Embarrasing

We went to Boston Market after church with the Young Adults ministry at the church. They were so sweet to invite us AND the kids. Of course, ours were the only ones. They were so sweet and, as usual, a little difficult to keep up with once they were finished eating. Anyhow, soon before we left, we were standing around talking, and Thomas walked behind me and pulled up my dress to my waist!! I was mortified! Now, all the people we were talking to were in front of me. So, the only people mooned were the people in line for lunch. I chose to sit and not look back. I don't know who saw what, but all I can say is I'm glad I was wearing a new pair of panties! I mean, if you're going to show something off, it ought to look its best, right! That may have been the first impression for members of our new church! Welcome to Foundry!


Jessica said...

Thank goodness you've got a great body! :)

Jacqueline said...

I don't know if I'd go that far!! In fact, I know I wouldn't, but thanks!