Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I guess I've done a good job of teaching my kids about germs because they sure don't want them! However, I can't convince them that germs are everywhere, not just on the potty flusher handle! Mary Frances just doesn't flush the potty to solve her problem and Thomas doesn't flush a lot either. I am so sick of finding poopy in the potty! Every time I go to the potty, there is poopy sitting in there. I have to do a potty check before guests come over to make sure they don't find any nasty surprises! By the way, please forgive me if the potty check was neglected prior to one of your visits to my house. I am trying to get better in that area. I'm trying to get the kids to flush, but until then, potty checks are a necessity!

I have come to really love blogging because when funny things happen, I think, "Oh, that will definitely be on the blog." I just can't wait to share it with all my virtual friends! I can kind of hear you all dying laughing! Anyhow, I had one such moment on Sunday. We went to a restaurant with the young adults ministry. I won't begin to explain the whole experience, but I can sum it up with milk in the chips, milk in my lunch, and milk in my water!

ANYWAY...I took Thomas to the restroom. After doing his business, he pulled up his pants and was about to walk out when I reminded him AGAIN that he needed to flush the toilet. He reached for the handle then pulled his hand back and said, "Oh, I forgot I was going to use my head to flush." Then he ducked his head and leaned toward the handle seriously attempting to flush the toilet. I said,"NO!! Thomas, why would you flush the toilet with your head?" And his answer was, "Oh, well, I just didn't want to have to wash my hands!" Yes, I am serious! I could not make these things up people!!

I try to explain, "You just sat on the potty and touched it while you were sitting there. Then, you wiped your rear end. That is enough reason to wash the germs off your hands! They are not only on the flusher!!!" I admit, I flush public toilets with my foot, and they have seen me do so, but I ALWAYS wash my hands! I just don't want any more germs than necessary. I did listen to my mom!


Jessica said...

Yes, I am hysterically laughing!! My abs just got a great workout! That is hilarious! I will have to help teach the flushing thing...gross.

Anonymous said...

Jaqueline...haven't you ever thought of using a square of TP to flush?! Why, you can even use two for extra strength! After you push the flusher just drop the TP in the potty. Watch all the germs go down the drain.

And you don't even want to know about the germs that become airborne when you flush. Time to sanitize the toothbrushes!

LOL-Tanya Shores