Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Preschool starts next week! I have been waiting for this particular day for 6 months! I have been anxious to have some time to myself. However, the closer the day gets, the more anxious I become. We have been preparing for school this week. We've bought lunch boxes and backpacks big enough to hold them. I'm in the process of labeling everything they will take each day - no small feat! We had a "fruit tasting" yesterday with a HUGE spread of fruit to determine which fruits they each like. We practiced packing their lunches and eating at the lunch table the way they will have to with a class. All these things are good since they have never done them before, but I'm beginning to realize these are all things to make me feel better.

I am nervous about my little chicks leaving the nest. They have been attached to me since birth. They will only be gone 3 days a week. In all honesty, I'm not worried about them at all! It's me I'm worried about! Why does that make me so sad?

My identity has been wrapped up in the children for 5 years. I have tried so hard to remember who I am, but now I'm going to be stuck with myself. All I can think about is eating lunch at home by myself in complete peace and quiet and being completely miserable!

I know this must seem so silly, but it is really hitting me hard. Maybe I won't feel this way at all, but I am really nervous. I am so excited for the children. They will have such a good time making friends, doing artwork, singing, etc. I just really don't know what I'm going to do!

I know I will be very busy with my weddings, and I am the BEST project person around. I always have a project. In fact, I plan to start painting their rooms as soon as school starts. BUT, it will be so quiet in the house. I don't know if I will be able to stand it!

You may all laugh at me later when I post how much I'm loving it, but I thought it worthwhile to share my emotions ahead of time. I want to be sure to remember the emotions of these special days!

God, thank you for loaning me theses precious children! Protect them. Keep them from evil. Comfort them as they are away from me each day, and comfort me as I miss them!

And, friends, please remember me as you pray!

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