I am embarrassed to say that I have bought at least 17 new pairs of shoes in the last month!! I know its crazy, but I have been buying shoes for 4 people, and while they are on sale, I've been buying sizes for next summer too!
Anyway, 4 of them I bought today (with 2 more converse shoes to get this weekend while they're BOGO). I was eating lunch with some girls at the church, and my flip flop BROKE!! If you've ever had a flip flop break, you know that it is not possible to continue to walk in it. My problem was that, not only did I have to leave the church without shoes, I also had to go to the doctor's office for an appointment with no time to go back home for new shoes.
So, I found a Payless close-by. I looked all across the Target parking lot before darting (as quickly and discreetly as I could) into the store. I was pretty embarassed, and I'm really hoping no one from the church saw me - especially someone that I don't know but knows exactly who I am. I'm always thinking about that scenario - you know - "I saw the preacher's wife running through the Target shopping center barefoot. spspspspspspsp" Hopefully no one is doing that. I don't really care. I'm just wondering.
So, I show up in Payless looking like a pretty easy sell and I get suckered into some ballet shoes, some Dora shoes, some cheap jewelry that will look cute until it breaks, and something else I don't recall but I know I bought it b/c it was buy one get one 1/2 off. So, I know I didn't leave without taking advantage of that sale...
Anyhow, I have more shoes!! They are fun!
...Okay, it was driving me crazy. So, I had to run to my room to see what else I bought - It was another pair of white "keds" for little girl since I know the ones I bought her yesterday will be dirty in a month or two. The new pair was only $3! Couldn't resist!
Off to pick up Thomas from the bus...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
God Bless Makenson
As if letting go of one child wasn't hard enough this week, now I have to say goodbye to Makenson. You may remember me telling you about Makenson a few months ago. He is the Compassion International child we have supported for about 6-7 years now.
Compassion called today to tell me that Makenson has completed the program and has stated that he is now old enough to live on his own. He is staying in the same area and is interested in working in mechanics.
They are sending me a final letter from him, and I can also send a final gift and letter, but then I will not be able to contact him anymore! I am so proud of him and grateful that we have had the opportunity to support him for so long, but it breaks my heart to think I will never know anything else about him. May God Bless him and keep him safe.
Our family will be getting on Compassion's website to select a new child to sponsor. I am looking forward to blessing another child in this way. If you have ever considered doing this, I promise you Compassion is a wonderful program!
Compassion called today to tell me that Makenson has completed the program and has stated that he is now old enough to live on his own. He is staying in the same area and is interested in working in mechanics.
They are sending me a final letter from him, and I can also send a final gift and letter, but then I will not be able to contact him anymore! I am so proud of him and grateful that we have had the opportunity to support him for so long, but it breaks my heart to think I will never know anything else about him. May God Bless him and keep him safe.
Our family will be getting on Compassion's website to select a new child to sponsor. I am looking forward to blessing another child in this way. If you have ever considered doing this, I promise you Compassion is a wonderful program!
Monday, August 25, 2008
We Made It....

After an entire day of watching the clock and wondering what my little one was doing, he is finally back home with ME!!! He had a blast, and he can't wait to go back tomorrow! The bus was about 15 minutes late since it is the first day, but not a problem!

First Day of Kindergarten

Kindergarten Fears
Okay, this is really a list of Mommy's Kindergarten Fears...

1. The school will lose my baby.
2. He will run away at recess since there is no fence marking borders.
3. Cashews
4. Pistachios
5. FIRE ANTS on the playground!!!
6. 21 children and ONE teacher
7. Only having a few hours a day with my little one :(
(This list may be added to throughout the week!)

1. The school will lose my baby.
2. He will run away at recess since there is no fence marking borders.
3. Cashews
4. Pistachios
5. FIRE ANTS on the playground!!!
6. 21 children and ONE teacher
7. Only having a few hours a day with my little one :(
(This list may be added to throughout the week!)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Pizza Night
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Ready for Football Season
...and...cue the tears...
There isn't much to say. My sweet Thomas is going to Kindergarten. I know it sounds silly, but I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest and there's nothing I can do about it. Of course, I wouldn't dare keep him away from it. He is going to have so much fun, and I will be fine, but right now, I can't imagine dropping him off and letting him walk away alone. Can he seriously get to class? I can barely get him in the store while he's holding my hand!! I know there will be people to guide him, but still..
Ah.....he's going to be gone ALL day!! He's going to be at school, away from me, the majority of his time awake every day. It is more than I can bear to think about...
Ah.....he's going to be gone ALL day!! He's going to be at school, away from me, the majority of his time awake every day. It is more than I can bear to think about...
New Hair Cut
I cut everyone's hair this afternoon in preparation for going back to school (and for being in front of people preaching :)). Anyway, Mary Frances doesn't usually want her hair cut, but today she requested a short hair-do. So, I cut about 3 1/2 inches off - very cautiously since I am really only good at trimming her hair and one style for all the boys!! It is so precious. I absolutely love it and so does she! I really put the pictures on for the family so they could see the change!!
By the way, behind her in the picture is the new playhouse that someone gave us earlier this summer! What a find!!

The Evange-tainer
Keith Coast is an evangelist/entertainer who calls himself the "evangetainer" or "entertangelist". Anyway, he did the "Back to School Bash" at Foundry last night. It was so much fun. He was hilarious and he did some fun magic tricks that kept the children entertained for over an hour! That's when you know someone's good, huh?
At the end, he blew up a 6 ft. balloon and climbed in - his whole body was in the balloon. It was very entertaining. While he was in the balloon, he blew up some smaller balloons like the heart Thomas is holding above. At the end of the show, as he was wrapping up, Thomas ran up on stage, grabbed the heart (as the guy stopped to watch), and then ran back and gave the heart to me!! I almost cried at his thoughtfulness. It was obvious the only thing on his mind was getting that heart just for me! What a sweetheart!

Friday, August 22, 2008
Meet the Teacher
Thomas visited his new school today! We met his teacher, too! It was an exciting morning. I had to explain what the lunchroom is, how to walk in the halls, etc. The lunch line is a foreign concept, too - even to me, honestly! Thomas is even going to be riding the bus home from school each day - another foreign concept for me since we didn't even have school bus routes!! Anyway, we went through it all! I think he is ready. I am happy that he is allowed to keep a water bottle for when he is thirsty. They even have snack time since some of them have really early or really late lunches. I forgot to ask what time his lunch is.
Thomas' seat was as close to the teacher's desk as it could have been, and she swore she had no idea who we were!!!??? I think he's going to do great. I told her I was planning to be very involved so we could be a team to make sure he is successful. I even signed up to be the homeroom mom. If you know this to be a crazy thing, just don't tell me. I'll figure it out myself. I've been thinking about doing it all summer. I will survive, and Thomas will love it! I always loved having my mom at school events!
Thomas' desk is also right next to the library. The library also looks into the next room. This is an open-concept school - meaning there are no doors. The rooms are separated by large bookcases and cabinets. I am really looking forward to hearing about how this affects Thomas' learning. It might actually be better for him. I know Ray C. has a hard time concentrating when it is quiet, and since Thomas is so much like he was, he might just thrive in this environment!
No matter what, please pray for Mrs. Thompson, Thomas' new teacher! I believe this is her first year teaching and she has 21 kindergarteners! I will be praying that she enjoys the year, and that she and Thomas will develop a great relationship. I desperately want her to understand who he is and how he operates!!
It all begins in just 3 days!! Yikes! What am I talking about? PRAY FOR ME!!

No matter what, please pray for Mrs. Thompson, Thomas' new teacher! I believe this is her first year teaching and she has 21 kindergarteners! I will be praying that she enjoys the year, and that she and Thomas will develop a great relationship. I desperately want her to understand who he is and how he operates!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A few updates with pictures...
Summer is almost over! I can't believe it! We are so excited about school starting...and scared all at the same time! Kindergarten? Seriously? That's another blog entry. Here are a few pics from the last few weeks.
Mary Frances loves weddings, like most little girls. While we were visiting my family, my mom pulled out her own wedding dress and let Mary Frances dress up. We had so much taking pictures with everyone, but I love this one! It will definitely be in a frame when I finally get to Walmart to print it out!
This is Monkey Bizness! For my non-Texas friends and family, this is a "jumping place" kids go to just for a few hours of fun. A lot of kids have their birthday parties at these places! (HINT: It would be a GREAT business in an area that doesn't have something like this!!)
Mary Frances climbing the inflatable wall! Go, girl, go!
Look at the tomato I grew!! Hmmm... I think I did something wrong!?! Unfortunately, they're all this size!
Let me introduce you to the monster that now lives in my backyard!! WHAT WAS I THINKING??? Do you see this thing compared to my house? It is almost embarassing. Luckily, my neighbors love it and were wondering why we didn't already have one! I even need the chair to get up on it! Actually, the theory is great! We have decided to make exercise part of our morning routine in order to help Thomas concentrate better at school. So, the trampoline will be an easy way to do that. Some days will ride bikes. Other days we'll walk or run. Other days, we'll do like we did this morning...jumping jacks, running in place, push-ups, and sit ups - whatever it takes to get the wiggles out and burn off some energy!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Everlasting Life
This is our discussion in the van this morning:
Mary Frances: "Mommy, you know that if you love Jesus a bunch, you can live forever!?"
Me: "You're right. Jesus says that if we love him and obey him that we can live with him in Heaven forever - but not here in our world. We do all have to die someday."
Thomas: "Why?"
Me: "When God created Adam and Eve, he planned on people living forever. But when they disobeyed him, he told them that they would have to die one day. He couldn't spank them for disobeying like we do!"
Mary Frances:"Oh."
Thomas: "Well, good people love Jesus and bad people love the devil."
Me: "Not really Thomas. No one loves the devil."
Thomas: "Really?"
Me: "No. Bad people just don't understand how much God loves them."
Thomas: "Why not?"
Me: "Because a lot of bad people have been treated very mean by others, and they don't understand that God loves them even though other people haven't. They even might think that God made bad things happen to them! So, that's why God put us here - to tell everyone how much God loves them."
Thomas: "Well, God doesn't make bad things happen. The devil does."
Me: "Sometimes the devil does make bad things happen, but sometimes bad things just happen. Like car accidents - the people who don't pay attention where they are going are the ones who make the accident happen - not God or the devil."
Thomas: "Oh. Are we almost at Monkey Bizness?"
ME: "Almost." :)
Mary Frances: "Mommy, you know that if you love Jesus a bunch, you can live forever!?"
Me: "You're right. Jesus says that if we love him and obey him that we can live with him in Heaven forever - but not here in our world. We do all have to die someday."
Thomas: "Why?"
Me: "When God created Adam and Eve, he planned on people living forever. But when they disobeyed him, he told them that they would have to die one day. He couldn't spank them for disobeying like we do!"
Mary Frances:"Oh."
Thomas: "Well, good people love Jesus and bad people love the devil."
Me: "Not really Thomas. No one loves the devil."
Thomas: "Really?"
Me: "No. Bad people just don't understand how much God loves them."
Thomas: "Why not?"
Me: "Because a lot of bad people have been treated very mean by others, and they don't understand that God loves them even though other people haven't. They even might think that God made bad things happen to them! So, that's why God put us here - to tell everyone how much God loves them."
Thomas: "Well, God doesn't make bad things happen. The devil does."
Me: "Sometimes the devil does make bad things happen, but sometimes bad things just happen. Like car accidents - the people who don't pay attention where they are going are the ones who make the accident happen - not God or the devil."
Thomas: "Oh. Are we almost at Monkey Bizness?"
ME: "Almost." :)
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Thankfully, I am not moving, but some good friends of ours from our Life Group at church are moving to our neighborhood this weekend. It has been a great pleasure for everyone in our life group to join our friends in the work of the weekend.
Last night we kept their 5 and 6 year old boys for several hours so work could be done. Although, I was gone most of the time, I did get to make dinner for them. I cannot believe how grateful and complimentary they were of the dinner I made - chicken, rice, and corn! It made me feel so good when I placed the food on the table, and Kaleb very excitedly said,"This looks so good!" When I asked him if he would come over every night he said, "Yes, I really would like to!"
The kids had a blast, but the boys were exhausted by 9:00 and went back to the new house around the corner. This morning I went over to the old house as the guys were packing up the last of the things, and I cleaned!
I couldn't help but think of the 5 times we have moved in the last 10 years. In all those years, I don't think I've ever been the one to do the cleaning. My job is usually at the new house telling everyone where things go and unpacking boxes! Even worse, I don't even know who has done the cleaning for me all those times.
So, for all those who have helped me during my moves in any capacity, THANK YOU!! What an incredible job to do out of love for someone else. Especially cleaning someone else's bathroom - that's true love!! And it really was my pleasure to do it today!
Last night we kept their 5 and 6 year old boys for several hours so work could be done. Although, I was gone most of the time, I did get to make dinner for them. I cannot believe how grateful and complimentary they were of the dinner I made - chicken, rice, and corn! It made me feel so good when I placed the food on the table, and Kaleb very excitedly said,"This looks so good!" When I asked him if he would come over every night he said, "Yes, I really would like to!"
The kids had a blast, but the boys were exhausted by 9:00 and went back to the new house around the corner. This morning I went over to the old house as the guys were packing up the last of the things, and I cleaned!
I couldn't help but think of the 5 times we have moved in the last 10 years. In all those years, I don't think I've ever been the one to do the cleaning. My job is usually at the new house telling everyone where things go and unpacking boxes! Even worse, I don't even know who has done the cleaning for me all those times.
So, for all those who have helped me during my moves in any capacity, THANK YOU!! What an incredible job to do out of love for someone else. Especially cleaning someone else's bathroom - that's true love!! And it really was my pleasure to do it today!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Changing the World
I have a Compassion t-shirt that says "Changing the World one child at a time." Of course, I like to think I'm changing the world 5 kids at a time between my 3 and my 2 compassion kids. Anyhow, that's another story...
I've just finished reading "Just Courage" by Gary Haugen. Gary is the CEO of International Justice Mission (IJM). They are rescuing the more than 26 MILLION slaves who are currently in bondage around the world. Many of these are child sex slaves!
This book has given me the courage to do what I want to do - change the world. I always want to do big things to make an impact. Everyone isn't wired this way, but I am. So, I've decided I'm finished with dismissing wild ideas just because they aren't safe. I will continue to seek wise counsel before stepping into big decisions, but I WILL follow God wherever He asks me to go.
I do not want to get to the end of my life and see a lot of good ideas that could have changed the world around me that I was afraid to act on for whatever reason!! I may not be able to change the whole world, but I can do a lot with my time and money. And even more than that, if my 3 children see me doing what I can, they will in turn have a heart for change. That means my efforts are tripled just by my children watching my obedience. Who knows how many others will be affected?
My mom recently said, "Jacqueline, do you just lay in bed at night thinking of ways to stress me out?" Of course, she was joking (kinda). But, I reminded her that it is my parents who have given me this foundation for loving God and desiring to please Him. I want to please my parents as well, and I certainly don't want to stress them out, BUT I can't turn away from what I feel called to do just because my mom is concerned about how difficult it might be for me.
I don't believe God put me on Earth to have an easy, convenient life and just to enjoy things. I understand that following Him is often inconvenient. He placed me here for a purpose. He wants the whole world to know who he is and how much he loves them, and someone has to show them. It might as well be me!
I've just finished reading "Just Courage" by Gary Haugen. Gary is the CEO of International Justice Mission (IJM). They are rescuing the more than 26 MILLION slaves who are currently in bondage around the world. Many of these are child sex slaves!
This book has given me the courage to do what I want to do - change the world. I always want to do big things to make an impact. Everyone isn't wired this way, but I am. So, I've decided I'm finished with dismissing wild ideas just because they aren't safe. I will continue to seek wise counsel before stepping into big decisions, but I WILL follow God wherever He asks me to go.
I do not want to get to the end of my life and see a lot of good ideas that could have changed the world around me that I was afraid to act on for whatever reason!! I may not be able to change the whole world, but I can do a lot with my time and money. And even more than that, if my 3 children see me doing what I can, they will in turn have a heart for change. That means my efforts are tripled just by my children watching my obedience. Who knows how many others will be affected?
My mom recently said, "Jacqueline, do you just lay in bed at night thinking of ways to stress me out?" Of course, she was joking (kinda). But, I reminded her that it is my parents who have given me this foundation for loving God and desiring to please Him. I want to please my parents as well, and I certainly don't want to stress them out, BUT I can't turn away from what I feel called to do just because my mom is concerned about how difficult it might be for me.
I don't believe God put me on Earth to have an easy, convenient life and just to enjoy things. I understand that following Him is often inconvenient. He placed me here for a purpose. He wants the whole world to know who he is and how much he loves them, and someone has to show them. It might as well be me!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
On the Town
Jessica took us out last night and exhausted us! She wanted us to see a normal weekend in her life, and it was exciting. We hit FOUR different parties! We started with dinner at the Last Resort - one of my favorites in downtown Athens.

Then we went to a Grand Opening for a friend who is a GREAT photographer in the area who just opened her studio!
After the grand opening, we went to a birthday party for one of Jessica's friends and had a great time visiting. Since we are such extroverts, it didn't matter that we didn't know anyone before we got there!! Ray C. even got to battle someone on guitar hero!

We finished out our night at the 40 Watt downtown watching our friend Gray play with his band, Part Bear. It was so much fun to hear him and watch him play. I couldn't understand a word he said, but he was very entertaining!

Together Again

I love getting to visit with my friend Laurie when I come back to Athens. We've been friends since elementary school, and I love to catch up with her. Her brother and sister-in-law have 5 kids. So, she is often in town helping out. She came over several times - each with a different child. Mary Frances and Drew hit it off. Actually, they liked each other last time they met 2 years ago. But this time, they were stuck on each other. He saved her a seat at Chick-fil-a, and when asked what she wanted to drink, she said, "Whatever Drew's having!" We enjoyed watching them together!

Go Braves...
Grandaddy, the 4-Wheeler, and Camping

We have had a blast here these last 2 weeks, and Honey and Grandaddy have made sure we have had a blast. The kids have ridden the 4-wheeler all over my parents 2-acre yard. We've been to the lake twice to ride on the boat, "fish", and swim. We've played on the swing grandaddy made for the kids, and we've been "camping" out at the property - complete with hot dogs, smores, and plenty of 4-wheeler mud-bogging!

Famil Reunion Continued

Family Reunion
Okay, there is just too much to blog from our very full and fun vacation, but I don't want to miss it. So, there are many pictures without a lot of words. After all, a picture IS worth a thousand words, isn't it?
This is my niece, Maggie. We understand each other! She won my heart!
That is a big family! We had a blast at High Hampton in Cashiers, NC. You should definitely check it out if you are looking for a fun place to get away with your family.
Papa and his 7 grandkids! Some things really are impossible. Maybe next year....
The leading ladies..Aunts Em and Peggy planned the whole thing!!
Thomas braves Sliding Rock! Hooray!! I'm so glad he was luckier than the man who busted out several teeth!

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